Meanwhile, the royals from the Lotus Kingdom had been asked to stay a little longer in our kingdom for safety purposes.

Sighing, I surveyed the scene from the third-story balcony in my territory. The sun was nearing the horizon, casting a colder atmosphere over the surroundings.

The place where I currently resided was situated outside the kingdom, a hidden mansion known only to my trusted knights and loyal servants. Not even my father was aware of the existence of this secluded mansion.

Taking a deep breath, I chose to retreat indoors, closing the doors to the balcony behind me.

"Any improvements?" Approaching the trusted physician, I inquired about the situation. However, it became apparent that he was struggling to assess the health of his patient.

"Hmm, her blood rate is stable, and her wounds and burns are gradually healing. I believe she just needs some more rest. I presume she'll likely wake up in two to three days, both of them are safe." he exclaimed, turning to face me with a reassuring smile. With that, he tidied up his things and left promptly after finishing his assessment.

As the door closed, leaving only the two of us in the spacious room, I slowly approached her. Taking a seat in the chair beside her bed, I gently held her hand in mine, being careful not to disturb her wounds to avoid causing any further pain.

If only I got there sooner that night... I could've saved her. She wouldn't have suffered this much.

I sighed with disappointment as I gently kissed the back of her hand.

Could it be the reason she ended our relationship? Is it because she's aware that if I ever find out about her plan, I would get in her way?

I was intensely focused on the possibility that she might have developed feelings for my brother, causing me to feel abandoned. This thoughts have prevented me from considering other potential reasons for her decision to leave.

But now... I understand why, she wanted what's best... she picked to let me go because she doesn't want me to get hurt.

Despite my understanding of her decisions, I can't shake the anger I feel towards her. I perceive her decisions as selfish, driven by what she believes is rational and best for both of us. 

Does she truly think I would easily abandon her in tough times? Is she underestimating my ability to protect and stand by her side?

However, the anger I feel, my love for her remains the dominant and unwavering emotion. I cannot deny that my love for her surpasses all other feelings. 

I will always choose to forgiving her, standing by her side, and protecting her at any cost.

 In the end, I will always choose her.

I just hoped, she would do the same rather than distancing herself to protect me.

"You're safe now, my love," I whispered, hoping for her to hear my voice as I released her hand and rose from my seat.

If only I could change our fate, I would do it without any hesitation, even if it means losing everything. I'd gladly sacrifice everything just for her.

I took a deep breath and looked at her peacefully sleeping form. As I was about to leave to attend to some matters, I halted in my tracks upon hearing a soft whimper which made me turn around and sat back in my seat to check on her.

"Abigail," I called out softly as I held her hand. For the first time, I felt nervous and concerned about her condition. It seemed likely that she was experiencing discomfort or pain due to the medicine the physician gave her.

However, I don't think that's the only reason...

I observed her eyelids slowly opening as she gazed at the ceiling above, seemingly unaware of the current situation she was in.

"My Lady," I called again, capturing her attention as she gradually turned her head toward me slowly and carefully.

 Initially, I couldn't discern her thoughts; her face appeared entirely expressionless.

That made me think, does she still recognize me?

"My Lady... You're-"

"W... W-where am I?" She asked directly as soon as she faced me. Her voice and body still carried a sense of shakiness. However, she gently withdrew her hand from mine and looked away which is completely understandable.

"What matters now is that... you're awake. I missed you" I spoke as I gently caressed her cheek, prompting her to face me. Her cold expression softened into a warm one.

Oh, how I missed those stare of hers. This just proves her feelings for me are still the same and it never changed.

"Good thing I got there in time, I would've lost you both if I was a second late"  I spoke out of excitement as I held her hand. However, her expression changed when I mentioned something she wasn't expecting to hear.

"Both?... You mean..."

"Yes, you are..." I cut her off with a bright smile, but she quickly sat up, causing evident pain in her wounds and burns.

I just sighed and gently guided her back to the bed as she lay there, still in shock. Glad she didn't fight back, otherwise her wound will open up again.

"No... it can't be"

Rebellious Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें