Kai exhales deeply and sits down on a rather fancy-looking leather chair beside me. "Peach, you gave us all a fright. You fell down the stairs, had a seizure—"

"Is the baby okay?" My hands instantly fall to the small bump.

Kai nods. "One of the first things they did was a scan. I didn't see it, but they've assured me the baby seems fine. They said they'll do another one for us when you're awake. But you had a seizure, they think from the shock and a bit of concussion. They're keeping you in to observe you both, but it seems it was just a one-off."

I glance around my body. There's a cannula with some sort of fluids going into my hand, a blood pressure cuff around my left arm, and I'm still in my dress from the event, but covered in a couple of white and blue blankets.

"What's the stuff in the IV?" I ask.

"Fluids, I think, just to keep you from being dehydrated. You were out for a while, so they're just being cautious." He stands from the chair and approaches me. Kai's hand intertwines with my right one.

Everything stills for a moment; all the noises outside the room drown out, the beeping dissipates, and our eyes meet. It's just me and Kai, hands together and something unsaid flying in the air between us.

"I was so scared," he whispers.

"It was me... being a clumsy idiot again."

A faint hint of a smile lights up his face. It sets off some sort of reaction, like when a firework is lit, and my nerves all explode and light up the night sky. Any medicine I may have needed is no longer relevant because Kai's expression of pure joy and amusement fixes me. He is my angel, he has to be. Despite him putting most of this into motion by being an idiot, he's making everything better in my life: the baby, royal life, the cottage, promoting my family being around as much as they can.

"You're not an idiot. Clumsy? Absolutely, and I think we might need to give you more etiquette lessons, and no more heels! But you're anything but an idiot," he replies.

I chuckle and look away as the door opens. A nurse walks in, smiles, and heads straight to the portable ultrasound in the corner.

"Your Highness, you're awake. I thought I heard chatter in here," she says. "Hopefully, Prince Kai mentioned that your baby was fine when we checked on your arrival."

I nod as Kai sits down. "He did. Am I able to go home? What's going on?"

"The doctor will be in as soon as I'm done here," she says.

With nothing more, she sets up the ultrasound and I reveal my bump. After a few seconds, when she's put the probe over my stomach, she turns the screen to show us. Kai's hand slips back into mine as the sound of a heartbeat emits from the machine and we see the baby on the screen, moving around happily.

"Look, it's sucking its thumb," the nurse says and shows us with a laugh. "We're not concerned about anything. But if you've shown no signs of bleeding or pain, that's definitely a good sign! It's too early to tell the sex yet, but everything looks healthy."

I watch the little baby swimming around in there without a care in the world. It's amazing to see, and the heartbeat going at a ridiculous rate compared to mine. Everything seems well in there.

Kai's eyes go between me and the screen, and his hazel eyes glow like a halo. They're full of hope and love, and it's the most humbling thing to see.

"Okay, I'll get the doctor. He's in with another patient right now, so it might be a little while," she says before taking my observations and moving out of the room.

Royally BumpedWhere stories live. Discover now