"Why don't you have a seat?" Alpha Jay suggested, pointing at the empty sofa in the room.

Next to Nathan.


'I know, right? We will sit next to our mate!'

I walked over to the sofa without sparing Nathan a glance. Once seated, I lifted an eyebrow, waiting to hear what Alpha Jay had to say.

"I know your birth mother," he sighed. My mouth dropped, and my eyes widened in shock.

"What?" I breathed out, furrowing my eyebrows. He stayed quiet as mother gasped and wrapped her arms around father. I was as shocked as her, too, but I believe she felt other things than the shock.

"Your birth mother wanted the best for you and her wolves. She asked me not to tell you origins until your mark appeared," he lowered his head. "But I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I didn't want my Beta and his mate to be heartbroken, losing their child."

"So, is my birth mother a rogue? Why did she leave me? Is she alive? If so, where is she?" I asked, trying to put up a brave face. I was heartbroken hearing that the Alpha I grew up to love as a father had kept a deep secret that I needed to answer the questions I had all these years.

"I was just a young boy when I met her. She, too, was just a young girl. Under a full moon night, we became best of friends." He looked up at me, "I trusted her as she to me. She told me when your mark appears that I must tell you about her."

"Alpha Jay, please tell me who she is!? Who's my birth mother!" I rambled, shifting to the edge of the sofa. "Who is my birth mother!?"

"Moon goddess Luna."

My eyelids were blinking rapidly as if I was dreaming. Everyone was quiet, glancing between Alpha Jay and I. Waiting for a reaction or objection. I bowed and laughed, "Alpha Jay, you honestly believe I would fall for that! How can the moon goddess be my mother!"

Everyone was quiet, and Alpha Jay shook his head as he leaned back. I was trying to control my laughter, gasping for air and compose myself. This was hard to believe. "Prophecy of the moon," Alpha Jay suddenly said with a sigh.

"They were the first, and they were last.

They were the dominant beasts that ruled with an iron fist!

They will rise once more.

But by the one born with the mark will rise a perfect wolf..." I blurted out my mouth, "How did... What just happened?"

"That can't possibly be the prophecy," Elder Smallwood voiced out, glaring at both Alpha Jay and I. "They could mess with us, Alpha King!" He lifted his gaze at Nathan.

Nathan stood up, "I'm not taking any chances. Elder Smallwood, I need you to contact the Elders of the witches. We have an enemy that knows more than we do." He said before looking down at me.

"I don't believe this!" I whined a bit, jumping onto my feet. "I can't be the moon goddess's daughter." Before I ran back into the room, Nathan gently grabbed my forearms and pulled me close to his hard chest.

Suddenly, my eyes widened as I gasped...


I was in the forest. It was dark, but there was light coming from the full moon. I wore a silver gown, and my hair was down to my waist. Lifting my gaze, I saw a little boy walking through the tall grass, but he stopped, lifting his gaze at the little girl. She was playing near a cliff with two wolves watching over her as if they were protecting her. She wore a pure white gown just like her hair, and her eyes were silver.

"Hello," she turned her gaze to the boy and waved at him warmly.

"He-hello," he stuttered, slowly approaching the girl. "I'm Jay," he introduced.

"I'm Luna," the girl said with a giggle.

He chuckled, "Like the moon goddess and female alpha."

"Yes!" She exclaimed happily, swaying herself from side to side. "My mother is the moon goddess herself. I am next in line to the moon goddess." She explained, lifting her head high, "when it's time for a new moon goddess."

"What do you mean?" Young Jay smiled, tilting his head.

She giggled, "Mother has reached one million years of age, and she wants to retire. That is where I come in! I am to take a place when the time comes."

"Huh... Cool, I guess." he shrugged.

I couldn't help but giggle at how cute this was. I never imagined Alpha Jay being this a child.

"I know. It's hard to believe that is little Jay," I heard an angelic voice behind me. Slowly, I turned myself, coming face to face with this beautiful woman. She had long, pure white hair, like her dress, and her silver gaze was on me. "Jay has finally told you," she said.

"Oh, goddess..." I gaped, taking in her youthful, pale looks. She would like me to be my sister if I had one.

"I would love mother or mom. Whatever works best?" She shrugged her shoulders, grinning, revealing her perfect straight pearl white teeth. "Look at you... You have grown," she said, pulling me into her embrace. "I wished I had more time with you."

She pulled away from the embrace as I blinked my eyes, and our surroundings changed. From the dark forest to the open stars, view walls of fluffy white clouds with wolves lying on them. We stood on a white stone centre platform in the middle. There was a round-shaped pool.

"Where are we?" I muttered, gazing around the... Room?

I heard her chuckle softly, "My realm." Her soft hands held mine, distracting me from looking around at her. "You may say a part of... Heaven. My realm." She pulled towards the edge of the pool.

I hummed, lowering my gaze down into the black pool. What was I going to say? Here I was, thinking Alpha Jay was just joking around, only to come face to face with my mother—the moon goddess.

"I may not know how you must be feeling. I know this is too sudden, but you have to trust me, if not as a mother, then as your goddess. Also, your mate Nathan," she immediately changed from a cheerful tone to a serious one. I glanced at her, not sure what to say. "You were born for a reason, my baby. You are not just born with my powers and your father's flesh and blood, but to bring back what was right."

"The Lycan Brothers want to use you for the power you contain and what mighty you shall bring into the world," she continued. "The prophecy tells the return of the fallen wolves. The Lycans. But that they would be born in royal blood." She looked down at me. "You would carry the first Crescent lycan."

My body froze. I was to bring the creature that werewolves hate because of the past. The worst part was that they would be born of royal blood. Meaning a lycan would rule again. The werewolves would not allow this to happen.

"My child, don't concern yourself. I will explain much more when the time is right. Right now, you must return."

"Wait! When will I see you again?" I asked as she caressed my cheek and smiled.


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