A Night to Remember

Comenzar desde el principio

What is her problem? I thought to myself.

'She's just jealous,' out of the blue, I heard a voice. I glanced around to find the source of that comment. 'Ha ha, you look silly right now.'

What's going on? Who's saying this? And where are you? I panicked, glancing at everyone, trying to see if anyone was looking my way. But no one was.

'Laura, calm down... I'm your wolf, Sandy.'

Wait, shouldn't I—

The announcer interrupted me as his voice beamed through the room, "Silence! Welcome Alphas, Betas and future leaders... tonight we come together to witness the crowning of our new Alpha King!" There were a few howls of excitement and soft claps. "Now presenting Luna Queen Elizabeth Crescent and Elder Smallwood."

We bowed as a woman dressed in a silver ball gown dress with her light brown hair high up covering her ears. The old man walking beside her had short white hair and was dressed in a sharp black suit. They gracefully walked down, approaching the magnificent chairs.

Both turned to us all with a warm smile, "Welcome." Luna Queen spoke angelic, "As we all know, the late Alpha King has passed away. Although we grief for him, we must appoint a new King." She breathed, "So it gives me great pleasure to announce my son, your prince, as our new Alpha King. Nathan Crescent, my son, please come forward."

A man in his early twenties approached Luna Queen Elizabeth. Elder Smallwood knelt before them with his head down in a bow of respect. I did not see his face, but from behind, I could tell he was a looker. His neatly gelled-back dark hair and black suit could not hide his muscular body.

"Nathan Crescent, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Crescent, do you swear to the moon goddess Luna that you will fulfil your duty as Alpha King? Accept your role and responsibility for the wolves?" Elder Smallwood asked, gazing down at the prince.

"I, Nathan Crescent, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Crescent, swear to the moon goddess Luna that I will fulfil my duty as Alpha King. Accept my role and responsibility for the wolves." His deep voice sent shivers down my spine as he spoke. It held power and authority.

There was a moment of silence. One by one, alphas howled in respect and acknowledgement for their new king. Betas followed then us, children of Alphas and Betas, howled for our king. "Rise, Alpha King Nathan," Elder Smallwood ordered, and he did so. We clapped our hands, and some whistled.

Our new Alpha King Nathan turned to face the crowd. My mouth dropped at his breathtaking good looks. His dreamy forest-green eyes slide all over the room. Searching for someone.

'MATE! MATE! MATE!' Sandy suddenly chanted in my head.

No. No. It can't be. We cannot be mates! I screamed in my head, shaking at the thought of me being the mate of a King.

Everyone's cheers and excitement came to an abrupt end when the heavy wood double doors banged open. We all turned our gaze towards the door. Gasping at the sudden presence of power. Five men stride in, their heads held high in pride and smirked evilly. They stopped as one in front of the group who stood ahead of rest, gazing around.

He chuckled evilly, brushing back his short jet-black hair, "apologize for our tardiness, but our invitation has gotten lost in the mail." His greyish eyes landed on Alpha King Nathan.

"Lycans?" Elder Smallwood questioned, glaring up at the group.

Gasps and murmuring were being exchanged in the room. Lycans were the first wolf shifters. They ruled over werewolves and witches using their strength and gifts. Their greed had driven werewolves and witches to ally with their enemies. Vampires. War broke out, resulting in the extinction of the Lycans, except for one family. However, seventeen years ago, their house caught on fire. Tripping the entire family and killing them all.

"We're the Lycan Brothers, the very last lycans on earth," one said. He had greyish eyes like the black hair guy, but he had sandy blonde hair.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Alpha King Nathan growled, clenching his fists.

He took one step, but a woman spoke up behind the Lycan Brothers. "Hold your horses, young King," her green eyes gazed around, "we are looking for a specific person from the moon goddess' prophecy. Also, here to warn you all, for your death is near." She flickered her strawberry blonde hair off her shoulder.

"What prophecy?" Elder Smallwood asked, stepping forward, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Shut up, you old mutt!" One man with dark brown hair snarled. The group chuckled, "We are looking for the marked one. Whoever gives us information about this person, we will reward you."

"A girl, in fact," the woman added. "We believe Alpha Jay may know what we are talking of."

Marked one? A girl? Were they talking about me!?

"We'll be back soon," the short jet black hair lycan said as, one by one, they turned their heels and walked out.

The Rise of the LycansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora