Chapitre Vingt Trois

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I was dreading the coming week. 

Halloween spirit week. Where the school's first years put together a haunted house and go all out.

That, and the fact it was exam week. I was never a really good test-taker.

I snapped out of my gloomy thoughts when Tadeo let out a soft whine, putting his head in my lap.

"Are you alright, Mathieu? We've been calling your name?" Kyoya asked.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I inquired.

"Please go change into your costume for hosting? We're about to begin," He stated.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. He was so bossy.

"Not so fast! We need him!" The twins suddenly shouted, grabbing my shoulders.

"What? Why?" I asked skittishly.

"We're only a group of three, and our class V.P. said we could select anyone of our choosing to join, and we want Mathieu," They both cooed evil.

"No. I don't want to," I huffed.

"Yeah! You can't have him!" Tamaki squawked.

"Mathieu doesn't have a choice," The twins stated.

"I can't. I'm sick," I said flatly with a half-assed cough.

"Mathieu, please don't leave me alone with them," Haruhi pleaded in a soft whisper.

I stood up abruptly. "I'm sorry Tamaki. I must protect," I stated robotically, going to stand next to Haruhi.

Tamaki dropped to the floor dramatically. Tadeo let out a whiny bark and pawed at Tamaki, trying to get him up.

I left Tadeo with Tamaki and the other hosts. I wasn't sure how he was going to react to scary props and or jump-scares and didn't want to give the poor thing a heart attack. Besides, I trusted Haruhi and the twins to take care of me if I were to have a spontaneous nap.

Once we started preparing it became clear to me that their group of three was actually a group of four, not counting me.

"So, why am I here again?" I questioned the evening of Halloween, looking over at the skittish class president of class 1-A, who was currently cowering behind the staircase.

"Because, you're both fraidy-cats and therefore count as just one person together," Hikaru stated without missing a beat.

I only rolled my eyes. I wasn't that much of a fraidy cat.

"I'm going home," I sighed, only for Haruhi to shoot her arm toward me and grab onto my sleeve.

I reluctantly sat back down. I know Haruhi wasn't scared, but more so worried about the outcome of the twins' creativity and a skittish class rep.

Even though all the twins and Haruhi had come up with was a cinderblock attached to a stick, I had come up with a plan.

Said plan, was that we would wait until a group walked bast up before we start to follow them slowly, dragging the brick on the ground to create a scraping sound. Then, we would scare the from behind. 

But, Hikaru and Kaoru were too focused on trying to freak out the class rep so I doubt the plan would actually work.

Haruhi suddenly stiffened.

"Did you guy's see that? That creepy shadow just now? Outside the window?" Haruhi asked skittishly. 

"I quit," I stated, getting ready to walk away.

"Come on! Not you too, Fujioka!" The class rep whined, only to be interrupted by a thudding noise from the stairs around the corner.

We all stopped and froze in our tracks. We all peeked around the corner to see a lone skull rolling and jumping its way down the stairs.

"Come on guys. It's not even real," I pointed out while the twins and the class rep shivered in fear.

Haruhi only stared on in shock, most likely frozen in fear.

"Hey! It's not your turn guys! Follow the rules!" Hikaru barked, kicking the skull back up the stairs.

I let out a deep breath of relief.

Then, I too, froze when I heard a gravelly voice echo through the foyer.

"My skull," The gravelly voice moaned shakily.

The clock started to chime as it reached nine o'clock.

I slowly looked up the stairs to see a woman dressed in white. Her stringy black hair was draped over her face and shoulders.

"My skull! Why did you kick my skull?" She continued to moan, progressively getting louder.

She suddenly snapped her head up, revealing her white eyes and rotting grey skin.

We all let out a terrified scream.

Hikaru and Haruhi ran one way, while the class rep and Kaoru ran the other, leaving me with whatever entity they had conjured.

But, I guess the good thing about narcolepsy, is that it knows when it's time to dip out.

I jerked my head away when I felt the familiar feeling of Tadeo's wet tongue slobbering all over my face.

I sat up quickly and looked around.

Tamaki let out a relieved sigh and visibly relaxed. It was then that I realized what he was wearing.

"T'es vraiment un con!" I hissed, half-heartedly smacking him upside the head.

"I'm sorry," Tamaki cooed, hugging me close.

Tamaki led me to the bathroom so that we could examine the damage of my less than graceful fall. Thankfully, I just had a small goose-egg in the back of my head.

I jumped when Tamaki pressed his lips to mine gently. I let out a content sigh and melted into his embrace. I curled my fingers into his hair as he pulled my body close, my back brushing up against the wall. I let out a soft gasp when Tamaki grabbed my legs and hoisted me up. I hooked my legs around his waist and pulled away slightly for a breath.

"Tamaki," I breathed, my forehead resting on his.

"Hm? What is it, my love?" Tamaki hummed his fingers tracing patterns on my thighs. 

"Je t'adore," I murmured before kissing him again. "Je t'adore beaucoup," I said against his mouth. 

"I love you too, Mathieu," Tamaki whispered. I caressed his face gently before he let me down.

"You know, without that dumb mask, the robe's kinda hot," I commented as we walked out of the bathroom, making Tamaki's face flush a bright red.

"Get a room," Kyoya grumbled under his breath.

I rolled my eyes.

Tamaki thankfully agreed to go home after some persuasion.

After a hot shower I crawled into his bed next to him, cuddling into his side.

"That was mean, what you did earlier," I pouted.

Tamaki let out a soft laugh. "I know, but the look on your face was worth it. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt," He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Just wait. I'm going to get you back, and you're not going to see it coming," I warned evilly.

"We'll see," Tamaki chuckled.

Happy Halloween <3

Word count: 1,059

<<T'es vraiment un con !>> Translates to: You're a dick!

<<Je t'adore beaucoup.>> Translates to: I love you a lot.

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