Chapitre Dix

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This chapter contains material that may be triggering to some readers. Please use discretion. 

"Mathieu, this is a friend of mine. He has a son about your age, Riku is his name. You will show him a good time, do you understand?" My uncle told me sternly. I nodded.

I went to go for Tadeo's harness but I was stopped.

"The dog stays," My uncle Hotaru dictated.

I nodded hesitantly and walked out to where the car was waiting. I got into the front seat with a man that was a bit older than me; Early twenties, more or less. 

"I'm Riku, you must be Mathieu, It's a pleasure to be spending time with you today," He greeted as I buckled my seatbelt. 

"Likewise," I said with a small smile.

He made small talk while he drove and I nodded along. Something about this guy felt off, and I couldn't place it. His black hair was perfectly placed and his brown eyes were lively, yet held no emotion at the same time. It seemed fake.

"I saw your dog in the window when we left. I'm sorry you couldn't bring him, but I'm allergic," Riku let out a short laugh.

We got to the bar and grill and we sat down together. 

"So, your uncle tells me your single, do you maybe want to go on a real date some time?" Riku suggested. 

"I'm sorry, but I still hardly know you. I don't mean to offend you," I said apologetically. 

"No worries," He laughed. "I'm going to get another drink, do you want a water, soda?" Riku asked, slapping the table lightly.

"Whatever is fine," I smiled politely.

As the dinner went on my stomach started churn and I felt clammy.

"Hey, Riku, I don't mean to be a buzz kill but I don't think the food agreed with my stomach too well. Would you drive me home?" I requested.

"Of course, not a problem!" He assured. He paid for the bill and walked me to the car. 

As we started walking I suddenly felt dizzy and sluggish.

"Did you, put something in my drink?" I slurred, my thoughts mushing together as we approached the trunk of his car.

I heard a shushing sound as a hand went over my mouth. I tried to squirm but it was like I had no strength. I was shoved into the trunk, the hatch closing before I could even think to react.

I opened my eyes to feel myself being dropped onto a bed. "Here, have some water," I heard Riku say, sitting me up and offering me a drink. One of his hands held me up while the other supported the cup.

I slowly started to drink the water before I spit it out. "No! Don't! You probably put something in it! Let me go home!" I shouted at him, pushing him off. I looked around, seeing dingy walls and ratted furniture. It looked like a fleabag motel.

"Now, now, it's just so you relax. We're going to have a great time, just like your uncle promised," His voice cooed, his hands starting to wander under my clothes.

"Don't," I slurred, trying to move away, but not being able to get far.

"Don't what?" Riku purred, his hand slipping below my waist band.

"Get off!" I shouted.

When I woke up my head was throbbing. I sat up and looked around. I was in between two brick buildings in a pile of trash. I stood up, using the wall for support. My stomach churned and I threw up onto the ground. Once I was done I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself from fainting. 

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