Chapitre Deux

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My second day at Ouran had been pretty uneventful. I had wandered into the courtyard during my study hall. I found a tall rose maze and ventured in. I figured if I got lost Tadeo would find the way out. I was grateful that the fragrance of the roses wasn't too strong.

I was mildly surprised to find a small gazebo in the middle. Just as I was about to sit down Tadeo poked my leg with his nose, alerting me of an upcoming cataplexy episode. 

"Good boy," I said softly as I sat down. 

I reached into my bag and grabbed a treat for him. After his treat, he jumped onto the bench and laid across my legs as I felt my head drop forward. Tadeo shifted and sat up, pressing his body into me so I wouldn't face plant into the marble table in front of me.

Once I was able to sit up Tadeo licked my face, making me giggle. "You're such a good boy," I praised, petting his face.

"Oh! Nanase-San, I didn't expect to see you here," A familiar voice chirped. I looked up to see Tamaki Suoh grinning at me.

I offered a small smile back. "To be honest, I didn't think I'd be finding a gazebo in the middle of this maze," I chuckled.

"May I?" Tamaki asked, gesturing to the open space next to Tadeo. I nodded and he sat down next to us.

"I didn't get the chance to ask yesterday, but what breed is Tadeo? He's a very handsome doggy," Tamaki asked, petting Tadeo.

"He's a Red Retriever. He just turned two about a week ago," I informed him. I couldn't help but get lost in Tamaki's eyes as they looked at my dog in awe. His violet eyes were captivatingly beautiful.

"Mathieu?" Tamaki spoke, bringing me out of my trance.

"Sorry, what was that?" I stammered, trying not to flush. Tamaki merely laughed.

"I asked what is Tadeo a service dog for?" Tamaki smiled.

"Oh, I, I have narcolepsy, it's a sleeping disorder. I'm sometimes really tired during the day and I have trouble staying asleep. And really bad sleep cycles. I also have cataplexy so I lose control of my muscles which causes me to fall sometimes. And sometimes I even faint if I'm really tired. It's not contagious," I rambled nervously.

"Oh, that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that, it must be difficult to deal with, huh?" He asked sympathetically.

The way he said that made my throat tighten. I could only nod and stare at my lap. "Yeah, some days are pretty difficult," I murmured. "Anyway, what type of club are you in? I remember you asking me to join it," I asked, attempting to change the subject.

Tamaki seemed to light up at the mention of his club. "Oh! Yes, I run a host club with my friends! We entertain the young ladies here at Ouran Academy! I think you would make a great host. Girls love cute foreign guys. I've been hearing nonstop about how they've been drooling over you," Tamaki cooed, bumping my shoulder with his teasingly.

My mind had seemed to blank when I heard the words 'host club'. Entertain women? I can hardly keep myself entertained, let alone awake. Girls normally don't even like me.

I felt Tadeo nudge my thigh with his nose and I slowly felt myself slump forward. I was out for a split second but then felt a strong hand on my chest, keeping me upright.

"Are you okay?" Tamaki asked worriedly, moving his hand.

I felt my face flush. "Yeah, sorry about that. What were you saying?" I stammered.

"You should join the host club! I think you'd be a great fit!" He chimed, tilting his head with a smile. I could feel my heart thudding in my chest and my stomach was filled with butterflies. 

"Can I think about it?" I squeaked.

"Of course, in the meantime, you should come and eat lunch with us and meet everyone. You've already met Kyoya, he's in our class," Tamaki offered.

I nodded. "Sure, maybe I will tomorrow," I agreed. I glanced at my watch and it was almost time to go. "Anyway, it was nice talking with you Suoh-San, but the bell's about to ring and my ride is probably waiting," I said sheepishly, standing up.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" He chimed.

He stayed at the gazebo while I started my way out with Tadeo. 

I wonder if he was waiting for someone? What if he was waiting for me to leave? A feeling of uneasiness settled in my stomach. Maybe if I went home and took a small nap everything would feel better.

Once I got home to my Uncle's estate, I unclipped Tadeo's leash and took off his vest. He looked up at me expectantly. I smiled with a small laugh and gave him a treat.

"Libérer," I told him. He turned and went out the doggy door into the backyard. 

I climbed the grand staircase to the fourth floor, and then up the small, out-of-the-way staircase up to the attic, which was my room. I set my bag down beside my desk.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard my Uncle's voice slur. I turned slowly to see him leaning against the door frame. 

"I just got home. I, I was just about to sit down and do my homework," I stuttered nervously.

He didn't seem to like my answer and stomped over to me, grabbing me by the front of my shirt, making me yelp in surprise. "You're supposed to be at school until six! Are you going to drop out and be a deadbeat like your grandfather?" He shouted at me, whiskey strong on his breath.

"No, I just haven't officially joined a club yet. I was going to join one tomorrow. I swear!" I rushed out. He let go of my shirt and shoved me, making me fall backward into my chair.

"If I see you out of this room, so help you, God," He hissed at me calmly. I only nodded and watched as he left my room.

Word Count: 1,000

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