Chapitre Quatorze

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I sat down in the gazebo in the rose maze during my lunch, letting Tadeo sniff and do his business. I let out a deep sigh and rested my chin on my palm, my knee supporting my elbow.

The summer breeze was nice. I had decided to ditch the uniform today and wore some cargo shorts and a t-shirt.

"I thought I'd find you here," I heard Tamaki greet, catching me off guard. 

"Hey," I greeted, sitting up right as Tadeo went over to greet Tamaki.

"You weren't in morning classes?" Tamaki said, inquiring for the reason of my absence.

I let out another sigh, "No, I guess I just wasn't feeling it today. I'm more exhausted than usual today," I explained, looking up at the fluffy white clouds in the sky.

"So..." Tamaki trailed, scooting closer to me and wrapping his pinky finger around my own, "Are we going to talk about it?" Tamaki asked.

I looked over at him with a raised brow, slightly taken aback when I realized how close his face was. "Talk about what?" I questioned.

"We kissed," Tamaki said quietly, his eyes glancing at my lips. 

"Oh, yeah, mhm, we did," I rambled with a nod, unsure of what to do as I slowly felt my temperature rise. 

"Mathieu," Tamaki breathed, his hand cupping my face. "I really, really like you," He admitted.

It took me a moment to process anything he said. Was he serious? Or is this some really fucked up dream I'm having.

"Mathieu? Are you okay?" Tamaki asked worriedly with a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry," I blurted, "I guess I was just processing what you just said. You like me?" I asked in disbelief.

Tamaki let out a chuckle. "Yes, I like you, and I'm trying really hard not to kiss you again," He smiled.

"I wouldn't mind," I whispered, looking up at him slightly.

Tamaki let out a scoff and his lips met mine, his hand going from my cheek to the side of my neck. I let my eyes flutter closed and kissed him back gently.

Tadeo let out a bark and Tamaki and I pulled away from each other. I let out a laugh as my dog forced himself between us to lick my face.

"Looks like you have some competition, Tamaki," I chuckled, petting Tadeo.

Tamaki rolled his eyes. "It's okay, Tadeo likes me. Don't you boy?" Tamaki chuckled, petting Tadeo as he was desperately trying to lick Tamaki's face.

"The bell is about to ring. We should get to class," Tamaki suggested as Tadeo sat down by my feet.

"I think I'm going to go to the club room and study. Can you grab me the homework?" I asked him.

Tamaki nodded. "Sure thing. I'll see you later then," He smiled, pecking my lips before he got up and walked off.

My fingers subconsciously touched my lips. I don't think I was ever going to  get used to that.

Tadeo laid on his Giant dog bed that the twins had gotten for him. I sat down at one of the tables and started to study. I hadn't been doing so hot in my math class.

After about an hour of studying I got up to stretch. Tadeo lifted his head to look up at me.

"Reste," I told him, putting my hand up. He let out a yawn and laid his head on his paws.

I walked to the boy's bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. I hadn't slept well the night before. I did well to avoid my uncle but there was an American football game on last night and it left him drunk and angry.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise!" Tamaki laughed as the door swung open.

"Hey," I greeted. "Are you skipping class just to see me?" I teased.

"That'd be one of the reasons." Tamaki purred, grabbing my hands.

"Really, because I was kidding, I was just about to leave," I stammered, going red in the face as his hands went to my waist, toying with the hem of my t-shirt.

Tamaki let out a soft laugh and kissed my forehead. "You're adorable," He teased.

"You should really get back to class, Tamaki. I don't want you to get in trouble," I told him, gently pushing his hands off.

My heart was going a million miles a minute. I felt cornered, like I was supposed to do something with him.

"Mathieu, are you okay?" Tamaki suddenly asked, grabbing my hand.

I didn't realized I pulled my hand away until I saw the hurt look on his face. "Sorry, I, I got to go," I squeezed out, before walking past him and to the club room to get Tadeo.

After I got Tadeo, I took the bus to Haruhi's house. I unlocked the door and took off Tadeo's leash and vest. I locked the door behind me and took off my shoes and placed them to the side. 

"Mathieu, you're home earlier," I heard Ranka say.

I only nodded. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He offered, opening his arms.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked into his arms. "I panicked. I didn't know what to do so I just ran. I feel so bad, he doesn't deserve that," I quivered, trying my best not to cry.

"Oh, honey," Ranka reassured, petting my hair and rubbing my back.

"I really like him, but I don't know why I did that. It felt like everything was moving so fast," I quivered.

"Then I think the two of you need to have a serious conversation. You don't have to tell him why. You just need to tell him your boundaries," Ranka told me, holding me at an arms length and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Why don't you get some rest?" Ranka suggested. I nodded and did as I was told.

Word count: 949

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