Chapitre Seize

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The week was not off to a great start. My uncle was less than happy when he came back from his trip and found out I was out the whole weekend. Instead of using me as a punching bag he resulted to intense manual labor. I had completely rearranged his entire study, along with carrying boxes upon boxes of books and other heavy Knick-knacks he wanted. 

I sat down in my seat for our first class and let out a deep sigh. My back was killing me.

My phone dinged, catching me off guard. I pulled it out and put it on vibrate, only to realize it was a text from my uncle.

Uncle Hotaru
I have an important client stopping by the house today. Don't come home.

Alright. Thank you.

I closed my phone and slid it back into my pocket.

"Mathieu!" I heard Tamaki chime as he walked into the room.

"Hey," I greeted with a small smile. 

"Can you come over after school today?" Tamaki asked.

"You're asking like I don't have a choice," I laughed sheepishly.

"I'll take that as a yes," Tamaki stated before he went to pet Tadeo.

"Oh, since you guys aren't having guests today, is it okay if I take club time to study? You guys are only workshopping today right?" I asked as I turned in my seat to look at Kyoya.

"That's fine," Kyoya said dismissively. I rolled my eyes and turned back into my seat.

About an hour into hosting I heard running footsteps heading my way. I turned my head to see Haruhi entering the library. I subtly retreated to a table in the back, hoping she wouldn't find me. I let out a soft gasp and tried to grab Tadeo's leash as he went to go greet her around the corner. But, I was too late. 

"You're not hiding from me, are you Mathieu?" Haruhi asked with an accusing tone.

I bit the inside of my cheek, being sure not to look her in the eye. "No," I answered cluelessly.

"Can you please come to the host club. We need damage control," Haruhi grumbled.

"Fine," I sighed.

"The other's are in the science room three. Is it okay if I take Tadeo to the host club room? There's a little girl who isn't having the best time," Haruhi sighed as we started to make our way up the stairs.

"Little girl? Why are the other's in the science room?" I questioned.

"It's got something to do with Nekozawa-Senpai and changing his character so he doesn't scare his little sister anymore," Haruhi explained irritatedly. I nodded in understanding.

"Tadeo likes kids, so hopefully she isn't afraid of him," I stated.

I went to the science room to see Renge waving a flashlight in Nekozawa's face.

"Ok, obviously intense exposure therapy isn't working Renge, please let me try?" I asked. At this rate they were going to undo any progress they may or may not have made.

"Have at it. We've tried everything. I'm starting to think it's hopeless," Renge said.

"Have a bit more faith in him. Jesus," I huffed, kneeling down to Nekozawa. Renge would definitely not be my first choice to help with this situation.

"Hey, Nekozawa-Senpai, I promise you it isn't all that bad. But if you want to be there for your sister you're going to have to face your fears. If it helps, I'll do it with you?" I offered gently, rubbing his back reassuringly.

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