First day at School (Second Half- Kyle Dawson)

Start from the beginning

“Aren’t you guys supposed to be on the popular tables?” Kathy sighed in uneasiness as she looked at the group and then Tiffany.

“We’ve been sitting at those tables for nearly three years, Kathy. All under Tiffany’s wants. I’ve been aching to pull out the squad since last year because of her bossiness. I just didn’t have the nerve to say it.” A pretty hot blonde girl spoke out as the others started agreeing and telling their own reasons.

“It was all because of what you did, Megan. Even my writers and reporters have told me about Tiffany’s rants every time she’s not on the school paper’s front page or featured in the monthly news reports.” A polite looking brunette with a ‘PRESS’ written on her tag exclaimed as a blonde sculptured jock wrapped her in his arms. “You stood up to her like nobody ever dared.” She added as the jock kissed her forehead.

“You know my baseball team also had complaints because she wouldn’t let the cheering squad cheer for them when she has petty fights with Kyle. She’s impossible to understand.” The blonde jock let his journalist girlfriend break the hug as she nodded in approval.

I have no intentions whatsoever of standing up to her. Why are they acting like I’ve saved them from oppression? “I didn’t do anything.” I explained as they all sat down with their trays.

“No babe. It was like bitch slapping that slut without doing anything.” The jock inserted gaining the attention of everyone in our table. “What?” He asked guiltily as everyone threw malicious looks at him. “That doesn’t make me sound gay right?” He joked.

Everyone just laughed forgetting the whole ‘It’s your loss anyway’ scene that Kathy did. Even the nearby tables joined our conversations.

Looks can be deceiving. I’ve learned that from them. I have discovered that behind those fake looking girls was something far more substantial. That behind those jocks’ muscular built and arrogant air was a gentleman. That something behind the ruined reputation of the student reporters was respected privacy and alleged secrecy within every broadcast.

I’ve learned a lot within just one hour of having lunch with them. I’ve learned new words that I’m aching to use as well.

So to speak, I’ve learned that Tiffany was a self absorbed bitch and Kyle isn’t her boyfriend but just a close childhood friend. She’s known to be a slut and she pays douchebags to beat up almost every geek and nerd that goes her way.

The afternoon came past as it was time for me and Kathy to go separate ways. It was three o’clock and her classes were all done for the day as I was left needing to take my Elective class.

I climbed up to the fifth floor not taking Kathy’s advice to use the elevator. I will not risk my life in entering such a small metallic room suspended in cables as it lifts me many feet off the ground. No way.

I reached my class room at the end of the south wing and found quite a few students. The elective I was in was home economics and this time, judging by the bags of flour, eggs and mixing bowls; it was baking.

“Hey Megan”

I turned to look at the waving couple at the far right corner of the classroom. It was the cocky blonde ‘bitch slap’ jock that I had lunch with. He and his journalist girlfriend happened to be in the same class as me.

I was enjoying Reece’s story of his family’s trip to Romania last June though I wondered why he opened it up out of the blue. His girlfriend Therese just proved how refined and patient she was as she was able to tolerate her childish clingy boyfriend that seemingly wanted to eat her piece by piece.

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