Chapter 10

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"What the fuck is she doing in my house?"

The look on Josh's is easily read by Karlie. Anger. Betrayal. Violation.

Since the beginning of her relationship with Taylor, or friendship as Josh had believed it to be, he had never been a fan of Taylor Swift. He found her exuberant personality to be exhausting. He couldn't help but feel that her charm was more of a carefully crafted façade rather than a genuine reflection of her true self. He had always pointed out the moments of self-promotion which he felt Karlie was being used for. Only for Karlie to brush off his concerns and, eventually, be thrown to the wolves. Ignored. Josh sure as shit has never seen Taylor defend Karlie from the harassment she has received, at her own fans' hands. And he hates Taylor for it. For all of the turmoil, relentless threats, and bullying his wife has been exposed to because of the pop star. For being subjected to paparazzi screaming 'What did you do to Taylor' at his wife every time they stepped out of the house. For all of the breakdowns and tears he did his best to comfort her through. For the rumors that Karlie is a secret closeted lesbian, hiding her top-secret marriage to popstar Taylor Swift, and that his own sons do not belong to him, but to Taylor. He despised the woman.

And he is livid to see her intruding in his own home.


"Why did you bring him, Kar? He's such a fucking downer. Has he ever even heard of the word 'fun'?" Taylor whines.

After multiple arguments with Josh about spending the holiday apart, Karlie eventually decided to bite the bullet and allow him to tag along to her trip to Rhode Island for Taylor's iconic Fourth of July party. Not ideal, but at least she would be with Taylor.

Earlier, when they entered the front door of the beachfront mansion, an already tipsy Taylor immediately engulfed her in a hug, ignoring Josh, and grabbed her hand to drag her to the porch off of the kitchen.

Directing her to a spot out of vision from the clear double doors or windows, Taylor turns and pulls the taller woman into a tender, deep kiss. Taylor slowly pushes the younger woman further toward the edge of the deck expertly without separating their lips for even a moment. As Karlie is skillfully directed into a chair at the back corner of the deck and is pushed down into a seated position, Taylor immediately climbs on top, straddling her.

"I missed you," Taylor sighs out before immediately diving back in and sucking Karlie's bottom lip between her own.

"Mm," Karlie sighs back into her lips, "I missed you too, baby," she says as she does her best to slow Taylor's pace and the blonde's attack on her lips, "But we can't be doing this right now, okay? Later. I promise."

Taylor rolls her eyes and groans as she removes herself from Karlie's lap, "I told you it was a bad idea to bring him, Kar. He's going to ruin the whole vibe of the party."

Karlie sighs, "I'm sorry he's here, okay? But it's going to be fine! You don't even have to talk to him if you don't want to. It's not like he'll initiate a conversation with you," she says with a chuckle, "We're going to have so much fun today, Tay. What time does the party start, anyway?"

Taylor looks at her phone for the time as she begins heading back into the house, Karlie following behind, "Everyone should be here within an hour or so. We should probably go get ready."

They enter the kitchen to see Josh, looking particularly uncomfortable, talking with Tom. After Tree had the brilliant idea of setting Taylor up with Tom, Taylor spent the beginning of the summer jetting around the world with him for photo op after photo op. Karlie hates every second of it but is doing her best to believe Tree when she says this will allow her and Taylor to keep being seen together publicly and regularly without raising any Gaylor alarm bells.

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