As Jayden continues with all her violations, her mind already wandered off somewhere. She is a senior student now, even if her age and peers are still in their freshman years. She was accelerated which is the reason why she qualified for the Great Search.

Rather, half of the participants are accelerated. Sven is two years younger than her but already in her senior education. It must have been her clan's doing. Ayin is two years older than her, while both Prim and Cesky are three years older.

"What else could she say from this?" Jayden asks Myrielle.

She doesn't understand the context anymore. She feels heavy and dark. And there is a desire on her chest that's clawing on her–wanting to be let out. She knows and understands what it is. She needs to take back what she lost. That, at least, can make her heart a little lighter. She will get it back and then take revenge on Utente for placing a mark on her. It's not even his mark, but another dark witch's mark!

Fon stares at the floor. Utente, and then Xilinx. Certainly, if she defeated them, or perhaps, killed them, she will get back what she lost, but she doesn't know how Xilinx is sealed before. She knew she can unseal Utente, but she needs more time before she can be certain that she will defeat him in a battle, especially now that her magick had been reduced.

"Fon?" Philomena calls.

She looks back at her. The Director advised her students before that revenge won't do any good, but after what that dark wizard had caused her, she will not back down. Being a Great Witch is her dream and now, she can't be that anymore despite her magick and every effort she spent on it.

"Besides, we checked the children after that task and we all know how detailed and strong the enchantment that was placed on the children," Myrielle says, but their discussion feels like a dream for Fon. "They strongly believe that the Cordajel was a dream, but the warning was real."

"But you can't discount the fact that she uses magick on the aberrants!"

"Still, they didn't think that it's strange. Yes, they cannot understand the warning, but they still followed it and left the forest for safety. They just thought that it's their gut feel, not a witch's magick."

"Using magick on aberrants without remorse is a sign of being a dark witch!"

"All are done to save the aberrants! No one in this room can do so much in such a limited amount of time. Rather than pushing her down, I think we should nurture a talent such as hers," Myrielle answers.

"You, of all people, should know that talent is a waste if you don't know the responsibilities attached to it."

Myrielle's brow raises, and she glares at Jayden. "There's no need for you to remind me. But you cannot deny the fact that saving the aberrants is nothing short of selflessness."

Fon raises his eyes towards Myrielle and Jayden. Is he referring to Kleinfeld's old, passed down art of sealing? Is there something special in it that makes Utente say that Sven's sealing circle is hateful?

"Selfless? Let's ask what that word means to her by asking why aberrants should not learn of our existence, shall we?" Jayden suggests. Without waiting for Myrielle's agreement, he asks, "Fon, care to answer that?"

"Power and Magick," she answers without hesitation and interest either. Her mind is still on how to get a hold of Utente and take her revenge in the future.

"There is your proof, Myrielle. It was on a whim that she saved those children. This is why you are still a child. You cannot look past the intention of another kid like Fon. You–"

"And because of Salem," Fon continues, cutting him off. She sees a smile of pride from Myrielle but chose to ignore it.

Jayden, on the other hand, is taken aback. He turns his attention back to Fon and asks, "What and why is that?"

This time, Fon didn't know the answer. She only knows that the wall that separates the aberrants and the witches is magick. And aberrants fear that magick. If not that, what then? Is it because women are much more powerful in our world, contrary to the aberrant's society?

"Because they thought that all witches and wizards are all dark and evil. Do you know why ordinary witches are always thought of as evil?" Jayden asks. He pauses while regarding her before saying, "Because we don't take action every time the aberrants are in a shit hole."

"If we are going to let them die while they are in a shithole, then I think they are right in thinking of us as evil beings," she answers.

"Aberrants are dependent by nature," Jayden answers, unwavering. "If we help them, they would ask for more and even place us in thrones. If we don't help them, they would hate us and rebel against us. It is an endless vicious cycle."

But ain't that the same as what they are saying as her offense? She's punished because she didn't know that she has more responsibility and duty as a powerful witch. Before she's able to point it out, Jayden raises his arms to silence her.

"This session is adjourned. You can go back to your chamber, Fon," he says abruptly, which means the end of the conversation, and she can no longer do or say anything to defend her right to join the Great Search.

So, resigned to her fate, she drags her feet out of the room. Jayden might be right. She can't understand herself when she saved those kids, so it's probably on a whim. And that mindless whim became one of the reasons why she will no longer have the chance to become a Great Witch.

Worse, she even earned herself the mark of a dark wizard. Now, all that's waiting for her is Philomena's admonishment for being so senseless and careless.

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