Chapter 51 ~ Halt

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Rose De León

"I think we should just eat the dough and not bother baking them." Rebecca says before she pops a piece of raw cookie dough into her mouth. 

I chuckle as I lay a cookie down the baking pan, "Not a bad idea." 

Rebecca raises her hands in victory and garbs another piece. Since Rebecca doesn't work today and I have nothing to do, we decided to have a girls night. The boys weren't happy when we kicked them out the door and told them to do some manly bonding, not like they need it. 

Rebecca slides off the counter she was sitting on to help place the last couple of cookies on the pan before we slide them into the oven. I set a timer and we head into the living room where we have a movie waiting to be played and a bunch of different snacks. 

We always had movie nights growing up in either of our rooms, most of the time to avoid our father. We haven't had one for a long time so when the idea came to us we knew we had to do it. 

I sit on one side of the couch and Rebecca sits on the other, pulling her legs underneath her and grabbing a blanket. 

"How are you doing?" She asks and I know she doesn't mean it in a light way that's just to make conversation. The question is laced with silent thoughts of Cyrus and the four months he's been gone. She wants to know how I actually am. 

I sigh and pull my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them, "I'm okay. I miss him. So much. But the four months are almost over." I shrug. 

"He loves you so much, just seeing the way he looks at you, he has it written all over his face." She leans against the armrest of the couch, turning to face me. 

I can't help the smile that forms on my face, "How does he look at me?" The question slips out before I have a chance to think about it. 

"Like he just realized what love is." She says with a smile. 

My heart takes flight and I have no chance at calming it down. The small smile on my face spreads to a big grin, leaving me no choice but to cover it with my hand and look away from Rebecca. 

She laughs and climbs over to me, tugging me into her arms, we hug and laugh until the timer for the cookie dings. We make out way to the kitchen laughing, at what I don't know but we laugh until our ribs hurts.

The kitchen smells of fresh baked cookies, one of my favourite smells in the world, and the cookies themselves look delicious. We baked them long enough that they are still chewy but have a nice crispy outside. 

We put them in a fancy bowl and by the time we get back to the living room, 3 of them are already eaten. 

Wonder who did that? Cough-Rebecca-Cough. 

Once we have everything sorted we play the movie Dirty Dancing, a classic and our favourite movie from our teens years. 

We eat, laugh, and "predict" what's gonna happen next even though we know every line in the movie from start to finish. And when the dancing scene comes on at the end, Rebecca and I get up to dance along. Though when we attempt the famous lift move, it results in me laying on top of Rebecca. 

"Bad idea. We really need to work on our moves." Rebecca heaves underneath me as I roll off of her, landing right beside her so we both lay on our backs side by side. 

The laughing fades off and Rebecca is the first to speak, "I'm really proud of you," She looks at me, "I know you hated the idea of getting into an arranged marriage when father first did it but you went through with it and I'm really proud of you for it. Look at the life you have now." She waves her arms to the big room around us. 

I remember when our father first told us about the plan. I wasn't angry or jealous of Rebecca for getting the CEO role because I knew she belonged to it, years of her bossing me around proves it. I was just angry at the world, my father, and myself. 

One piece at a time though, my world shaped into what it is now and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have lot's of people who love me and care about me and most importantly, I have Cyrus Romano. The apple of my eye, the air to my lungs, the perfect man for me. 

"I'm proud of you too. I always knew you would be amazing at CEO and you proved me right. You were always so bossy from the day you were born." I laugh when she elbows me and our conversation drifts away. 

I glance up at the clock to be surprised when it reads 12:47. I hadn't even realized it had gotten so late. I pull myself up from the floor and help Rebecca get up like the grandma she is. 

"Wanna have a sleep over?" I ask as I loop my arm with her's and we begin walking towards the stairs. 

She freezes in place and doesn't say anything back, her entire focus is at arch way into the living room. 

I look to see what she's looking at and--

"Miss me?" 

Word count: 966

I'm writing this on November 11 but it might not get posted for a while.  

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