Chapter 25 ~ Undercover pt.2

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Rose De León

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Rose De León

The car ride is quiet. 

Cyrus is looking at the road and I'm looking out the window. He decided to go down a back road because it's quicker compared to a high way.

"I'm...sorry" He clears his throat "For worrying about you so much today. I just didn't want you to get hurt". His grip on the steering wheel tightens. 

I look over at him, studying his side profile. I can't lie, Cyrus has to be the most attractive man I have ever seen. 

Except for Ryan Reynolds. 

He glances at me and smirks, making me snap out of my thoughts. "It's okay. You don't need to worry about me though, I am a grown women." I give him a tight lip smile. 

"I know I don't but it's just tattooed on my forehead. If I had the chance I would put you in a safe room guarded by 200 of my best men and myself" He says. 

I take a deep breath, knowing we have already had this conversation 800 times today just worded differently. "If we are going to be married for how ever long my father says I need you to let me do my own thing without worrying so much about me" I regret it as soon as it leaves my lips. His jaw tenses and a look of hurt crosses his eyes. 

I just told him we are getting a divorce in the future and it's all about my father. Now he probably thinks I'm only doing this for the mafia but I didn't mean it like that, not at all. 

Great job, Rose.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean it like that." I mutter. He doesn't say anything, his jaw is still tense and his eyes are focused on the roads. 

And then he finally speaks, "Please say you didn't mean that" His voice is almost a whisper, almost like he's afraid to ask. 

"I didn't, It just slipped out of my mouth. Cyrus, I am so sorry. I was just telling you that you didn't have to worry about me and I worded it wrong" I explain, almost begging him to believe me. 

He runs a hand through his hair, still gripping the steering wheel with the other hand, "Why can't you let me protect you, Rose. It's all I want to do. I have lost both of my parents and I don't want to loose you too." 


Does he mean that?

I'm suddenly sweating more than I should be, my thoughts are all over the place, and my breathing is faster than before. 

He notices, "Rose, are you okay?" Concern is plastered over his face. Even when he's upset he still cares about me. 

"Did you mean that, you can't say stuff like that if you don't mean it, Cyrus" My voice is raised, more than I want it to be. It catches him off guard. 

He stutters for a moment, trying to find an answer, "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it, Rose" He glances over at me and I can tell he's being dead serious. 

This is all becomes too much. There's not enough air in this car. 

"Pull over" I say quickly, already gripping the door handle. He looks at me confused and doesn't do anything so I repeat louder "Pull over!". 

He slows down the car and pulls over to the side. I'm already out of the car door and walking. 

It's pitch black outside except for the head lights of his car and the faint moon light. We're the only car on this entire dirt road. 

I head his car door open but I don't hear his foot steps follow after me. "Where are you going, Rose?" He shouts but I don't answer. 

"Talk to me, Rose" He shouts again and this I stop and turn, taking a couple steps forward so I'm back in the light of his head lights. He's standing behind his car door. I can barely see him though with the head lights shining in my eyes. 

"Talk about what? That you just told me you don't want to loose me and I have no clue what means so now my brain is all over the place?" I shout back to him. 

I'm sort of glad I can't the expression on his face right now. 

I hear his car door slam shut and his foot steps coming closer. His frame comes though the head lights as he strides towards me. 

"What are you doing" I ask, my voice almost a whisper. 

"Something I should have done a long time ago" 

And that's all it takes. 

His lips are slammed against mine. 

His hands are cupping the sides of my face, pulling me closer to him. My hands are in his hair, pulling him towards me. 

We are both so hungry for each other. 

I've never felt this alive. I can't get enough of him. This is a feeling I never knew I needed but now I don't think I can live without it. 

Everything about him is so perfect; The way his lips move against mine, how easily our bodies press together. 

I want to put this moment in a frame and keep it forever. I never want this feeling inside of me to die. 

A feeling of finally finding a home. A place where I want to be all the time. 

He pulls away breathing heavily, both of us trying to catch out breath. 

Then he smiles. 

A real smile. 

And my entire world changes. 

He's beautiful. So fucking beautiful. 

 I kiss him again and again and again. Kissing the smile that I am now completely addicted to. The smile that isn't going away this time and I hope it never does. 

"I've waited so fucking long to do that" He whispers, resting his forehead on mine. My eyes shut, taking in the moment. "Well I'm glad you did it. Expect a lot more of it" I smile. 

"I can't fucking wait" He beams. 

He's like a kid on Christmas. 

Word count: 1043


I have waiting so fucking long for this chapter and I am in love with it. This doesn't mean they are boyfriend and girlfriend yet though...

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