Chapter 33 ~ Parentless

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Cyrus Romano 

I place my hand on the door handle, stopping before I open it. "Cyrus? Are you okay" Rose asks from behind me. 

I look back at her, taking a deep breath "If we go in here, there's no going out and there's no way to know how it's gonna end. Are you sure you want to go in here. I'll go in alone and I'll fight until my last breath or we go can go together and we can take him down together, only if that's what you want" I tell her. 

It's her father in there so she needs to make all the decisions. 

I just want this thing to end in a good way. 

She takes a step towards me, griping the sides of my face in her hands, placing her lips on mine. "I want him gone Cyrus. Open that door and we'll go to war. Together" She pulls away from me.

I love you.

No question about it. No 'I think' or 'Maybe', I am completely and utterly in love with her. I have been for weeks now. 

"Stay behind me and shoot the men on our sides, If you run out of ammo I have a belt full of it. Use it if you need it" I tell her and grip the door handle again. 

She nods with a smile. 

Here goes fucking nothing. 

I swing the door open and raise my gun, walking in with her behind me. 

3 men appear and I shoot them all. I hear a few shots from behind and then bodies drop. I spot Ryker running towards us, and then a man behind him pointing a gun at him so I shoot him. 

"Thanks man. I caught a glimpse of Moses but when I tried to run after him I got distracted with shooting a couple other men. He's in here but he has 2 guys guarding him. Anyways, most of his men are gone but there's more cars pulling up now. And a lot of your men are already injured or dead" He says, almost out of breath. 

He wears his normal black jeans and a tan t-shirt that's splattered with blood, his gun in his hand.

"Where did you see him?" I ask, glancing at Rose and then back at him. "It looked like he was heading towards the stairs" Ryker replies. 

I feel Rose's hand grip my arm so I turn my attention towards her, "What do you want to do?". 

"I hope you have enough ammo" She smirks and I take that as my que. 

I take the walkie talkie off of my waist and press the button to speak into it. It's connected to all of my men so they will all hear, "This is Cyrus Romano copy, I want all of you to shoot all the people you can. 20 of you have to protect Bernard, he cannot die" I order. 

I put the walkie talkie back on my waist band and tighten my grip on my gun. "Make sure everything runs smoothly" I tell Ryker and he nods, "I'll get some of my men in here" He responds and walks off with his walkie talkie in his hand. 

We begin walking towards the stairs, every time a man that isn't mine appears we shoot him and keep moving until we finally reach the top of the stairs. 

"You check the doors on the left and I'll get the one on the right" I whisper to her and she nods, heading to the first door on the left and swinging open the door. 

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