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The audience finished. All of them agreed to another date in exactly a month. Hyunjin's anxiety flew away when they left the room. He was actually talking with Sir Kim, his lawyer, and Felix who was next to him. The tall man was relieved, this first day of court went well. Mya wants Hyunjin to have Ji-Ne's full guard anyway so there is no need to be worried. Suddenly, as the three of them were talking, someone asked for Hyunjin's attention.

"Mr Hwang?" A woman wondered while she approached the three men. The black-haired man turned around and faced the woman. She was dressed in a suit and the tall man recognized her as Mya's lawyer. "Yeah?" He wondered. The lawyer smiled. "Hello. I'm Diana Myong. I represent the Johnson's side and my client wants to talk to you for a minute." She said, a smile still plastered on her face. "She can't do that and you know that Myong." Mr Kim intervene. Mrs Myong's sight went from Hyunjin to her colleague. "Actually, yes, Chungsoo-ssi. I made a demand and it was accepted." The lawyer said, happily.

Hyunjin's nervosity came back quickly when he heard that Mya wanted to talk to him. Felix that stayed silent until then, saw how his lover tensed. The blonde took his hand and squeezed it, in an attempt to reassure the tall man. When Hyunjin felt it, he turned his sight to the blonde and smiled. Felix smiled back and turned around when he heard a door opening. Mya was arriving from there, held by police officers. Hyunjin gulped and his hand left Felix's. The latter was surprised. He didn't expect the black-haired man to let his hand.

"My client has the right to not answer if he's feeling uncomfortable." Mr Kim said, firmly. Mya was right in front of Hyunjin and was looking at him right in the eyes. "Hi." She simply says. Then, she turns her head to make a quick head sign to Felix who responded the same thing. "I'll make it quick, I promise. I just want to know if Ji-Ne is alright. Is he adapting well at your house? Is he asking why he's with you or anything?" The woman asked, worried in her eyes. After all, she had left the kid she educated for two years. "He's fine. He's happy in the atmosphere he's in right now and he barely talks about you. He drew you at first. Now he's just scared when I leave him that I will do like you." The tall man revealed. Mya nodded, a little bit sad.

"I get that if Felix is here, he surely has met your friends?" She asked. Hyunjin only nodded, he didn't want to talk to her anymore. He couldn't believe that he was talking to her after all those years. He couldn't forgive her. "Have my parents come to your house yet?" The woman continued. But Hyunjin really didn't want to talk to her. His mind was a mess right now and he needed her to leave. So he stood silent. "Hyunjin?" She asked, having no answers. The tall man turned to his lawyer. "I don't want to talk anymore." He confesses. Mr Kim nodded. "It will be all for today. My client is tired and he needs to go to his own activities." The lawyer declared, bringing Hyunjin far from where the woman stood with the police officer and her own lawyer.

Felix followed after them, sharing one last glance with Mya. "Felix. Tell me." She had cried but the blonde did not turn around. She had broken his friend's heart and he could not forgive her either.

"So. The first audience of today was quite great if I can say that. Things will get more serious on the next one so be prepared. We'll plan an appointment to finalize the remaining papers." Mr Kim said. Hyunjin nodded. "I'll let you guys have a moment." The lawyer announced, smiling. The two men waited for the older man to leave before saying anything.

"You are not coming back with me to get Ji-Ne?" The tall man wondered. Felix smiled and cupped Hyunjin's face. "No. I'm sorry, Hyune, but it's still an internship so I need to work all day. But you can pick Ji-Ne and then go to Chan's house. I'll get there when I'm finished." Felix explained, smiling. Hyunjin nodded, his face still in between Felix's hands. "You'll sleep at my place as well?" The black-haired man asked. Felix's smile grew wider. "Yes, I think so. I just need to go back to the dorm to take some clothes, because your clothes are amazingly comfortable but I also want to wear what's mine." Felix said, giving Hyunjin a smile. "Thank you for being here." Hyunjin confess. "You're welcome." The blonde replied.

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