don't worry.

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"Daddy, is Lixie coming back one day?" Ji-Ne asked his father. The dad came closer to the son and sat on the couch next to him, a huge smile on his face. "Do you want to see him again?" The tall man said. The kid was looking at him with big eyes before nodding his head. Hyunjin smiles even wider, knowing that Ji-Ne got along very well with Felix. The young father started getting up from the couch when Ji-Ne got a sudden question. "Why are you looking at Lixie differently compared to uncle Minho or godfather Chan?" The question surprised Hyunjin, causing him to sit on the furniture again. Hyunjin sighed.

"Do you remember when he went to buy you toys with Channie?" Hyunjin started explaining, Ji-Ne's eyes widened because it was a very good memory for him: going to the heaven of toys. "Yes!" The kid responded joyfully. The father smiled and then continued. "In the car we talked about someone called Lix right? And Channie told you it was my boyfriend. What is a boyfriend already?" Hyunjin said, Ji-Ne trying to remember what his godfather explained to him that day about 'boyfriends'. In the end, Ji-Ne forgot. "Boyfriends are people who are loving one another. So, Lixie and I are in love with each other and we don't have the same relationship as Channie or Minho." The father said. "So Lixie is your boyfriend? I want Lixie as a boyfriend too! I love him!" Hyunjin laughed at the cuteness of his son. But he didn't want to correct his kid and say that he and Felix aren't boyfriend yet. It would be too complicated to understand for a kid that young.

"Do you want to take a photo with me and then I send it to Lixie?" Hyunjin asked his son, whose smile grew wider instantly. The young father then quickly took out his phone and opened the photo's app. The two of them took some pictures and after that, Ji-Ne went to play with his toys again. So the father went to the kitchen, it was soon dinner's hour so he needed to prepare the food. He placed himself somewhere where he could see Ji-Ne while cooking but before he wanted to send the picture to Felix.


thank you for today.
he wants to see you again.


Hyunjin looked at the screen for some minutes but Felix was surely busy doing something else and will not see his phone after a while. So he put his phone away and started getting what he needed for dinner.

<with felix>

Felix woke up a little while later. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't recognize the decoration of his room. He was surely at the dorm since the decoration isn't Hyunjin's. 'Shit, I surely fell asleep while in a little space, in Jisung's room.' The blonde rubbed his eyes, waking up more. The young man got up from the bed and took his phone which was lying on the desk, beside Jisung's one.

The screen showed that it was 7:30pm but what attracted Felix's eyes was a message from Hyunjin. He smiled only seeing the name of the contact. The blonde quickly unlocked his phone and read the message. He smiled even more reading the convo. Hyunjin and Ji-Ne were cute together. Felix saved the picture on his phone and sent a quick response to his friend.

Then Felix got out of the room and found Jisung in the kitchen. "Lix? You're awake?" The quokka wondered when Felix came closer to him. "Yep." The blonde answered, popping the p. Looking at the table, Jisung had already set it up and they just needed to wait for the dish to be ready and then they could eat. "I think we, or you, have a lot to tell." Jisung said looking at his best friend. The younger smiled, it was a small smile. "Yes. Actually, it is still one of my dates so I have to tell you what happened." The blonde confesses. The two best friends then sat on the table and started eating.

During their dinner, Felix told Jisung everything that happened between himself and Hyunjin last night until he got back to the dorm earlier. The brown-haired man was carefully listening to his best friend. He was glad that Felix didn't get mad at Hyunjin for having a child or that Ji-Ne's existence didn't change a single thing on what he felt towards the tall man. 'It's surely a weight that Hyunjin took off his shoulders.' Jisung thought.

Together // HyunlixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon