friends to lovers.

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i'm in front of your house!
are you ready to have fun!


Thursday comes really fast. Two boys were waiting for this day a lot and now it is. Felix had prepared well before coming to Hyunjin's house. Jisung can assure it. The blonde almost had a break-down not knowing what to wear, I mean, he didn't know what clothes Hyunjin would like. Little did he know, the tall man didn't really care because Felix could wear anything and that man would be in love. Felix spends then 30 minutes in the bathroom, doing-erasing-redoing his makeup as it wasn't fitting an amusement park. His hair also didn't want to obey him as all the locks were messy. In the end, Felix opt for a skinny blue jean with holes on the knees pairing with a long-sleeve white shirt. He also took a jacket because it was October, soon November and temperatures could be cold in the evening.

So for now, Felix was waiting for his date to come to his car. Hyunjin's expensive car has indeed left its last breath a few days ago as it was a major problem that couldn't be solved. The tall man had a rented car until he found a new one.

Inside Hyunjin's house there was panic. Hyunjin wasn't ready to go find Felix, Ji-Ne was crying because Minho accepted spending the day here with Chan as the latter did whatever to ease his younger friend, saying everything will be alright with Felix as this isn't their first date but their second. But Minho really struggled to make the kid calm so the two oldest switched activities.

Hyunjin was in his room, trying to find a good shirt to wear as none of the ones he had pleased him. Besides, his son's cries didn't help him. When Minho enters the black-hair man's room, he only sees a lot of shirts discarded on the floor and the boy rummages through his closet. "Hyun, what are you doing?" The rabbit-like man said, taking a few clothes that were on the ground and putting them on the desk's chair. "Min' Felix is here, in front of my house and I don't fucking know what to wear! I'm making him wait! Shit, hearing my kid crying like that makes me want to stay here." Minho smiles.

"Okay first, go sit on your bed, I'll find you clothes. Then, you send a message to Felix saying you will arrive in a few minutes. To conclude, don't you trust us, Chan and I to take care of Ji-Ne? Listen, Chan handled him!" Hyunjin's best friend said, searching for clothes. He heard the tall man sighing and then the light melody of Hyunjin's phone's keyboard, showing he was writing a message. "Of course I trust you guys! It's just that it would be the first time I'll go somewhere in the evening, leaving him at home." Hyunjin said as Minho handed him a white shirt and another black oversized shirt to put over the other. The tall man frowned but ended up putting the clothes on after all. "Stop stressing out and focus on your date with Felix." Minho says, searching for a chain to put on the pocket of the black-shirt. "Perfect. Pretty as always." The older of the two said. And Hyunjin was blushing. Not only for the compliment he just received from his best friend but also because he'll join Felix in a few seconds now.

Now, the best friends came downstairs. Hyunjin took his stuff and was about to leave but he needed to tell some information to his friends. "Okay, so I let you guys my parents's numbers on the fridge on a sticky note, in case you have a problem. Call them first and then me. Ji-Ne had a bit of his toys here and in my room and his stock is in his room, obviously. You'll find-" Hyunjin began but his best friend put a finger on his lips, shushing him. "As you told me earlier, your date is waiting for you in front of your house. We'll take care of that demon and you'll have fun, okay? Now go." Minho said, crossing his arms, very strict. Hyunjin sighed. He was stressing about nothing, again.

"Daddy, where are you going?" Ji-Ne said suddenly, when Hyunjin was at the door, almost opening it. The kid was looking scared and sad at the same time. The young father came closer to his son and kissed him on the forehead. "I'm going to see someone. I'll be back, don't worry. Be a good boy and listen to what your uncles are saying, okay?" Hyunjin said. His son nodded and smiled. The tall man waved his son goodbye and made his way to Felix's car which was parked just in front of his front gate. Hyunjin smiled and opened the car's door. 

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