Start from the beginning

He used his rough hands to move my head up and down his length, moaning in pleasure and whispering filthy things.

I dissociated the minute I felt him. I wasn't in my own body. I just let him use me while I thought about her. How I can ever leave him. How I'm so close to her, but I don't know if I'll ever get to see her.

When he finished, making me swallow the mess, I was pushed to the bathroom to tidy myself up.

I shut the door, locking it and falling to sit on the toilet seat. I rubbed my stomach and cried. Reliving everything now. All the pain, abuse and the force.

My stomach curdled and I fell to my knees on the ground. Grabbing the toilet seat and throwing my head in. Throwing up everything I didn't have in my stomach.

I hated this. I hated me. I hated her.

I hated myself for not leaving when she wanted me to.

I hated her so much for not just taking me out of there.

God, I liked her so much.

I liked her so much I think I nearly loved her. I didn't know what it felt like, but it's as close as I can imagine if feeling like.

I took some deep breaths, trying to gain myself back together. Then slowly getting to my feet and finding the sink.

I used my hand and filled it with water, washing my mouth out and spitting it. I pressed my hair down and cleaned beneath my eyes. Pressed on my cheeks, hoping they would turn from white.

I cleared my throat, taking away any harshness now in my throat. I felt disgusting.

The lie about being on my period, definitely has saved me for a few days of him forcing himself completely on me.

I left the bathroom and sat back down beside him, as far as I could.

The rest of the flight he was on his phone or on a laptop, doing work and hardly paying attention to me.

He at least fed me a decent meal, something I hadn't had since Rhea brought some for me.

We got inside another car and drove for a while. I examined every part of Florida we drove past, the city and every house. Any single one could be hers. I wish I knew what sort of car she had at least. What part she loved in.

I knew we were in Orlando, and judging by the area, Sam stopped us in a fairly rich looking area. The house was big, far too big for just the two of us. I was glad, at least I could hide if I needed to.

Getting inside, Sam showed me around and our room. He told me to unpack and get to sleep, as he had some work to do before he'd be joining me.

I unpacked quietly and by myself, my hands shaking as I put my clothes away. Just a few things. Then I changed into long and covering pajamas and got into bed.

I lied down, thinking about how this is my life now. Getting told to get to bed. With nothing to do. Not a hobby to do. Thing to watch. Person to talk to.

Somehow, I slipped into an exhausted slumber.

Time Jump

It had been 3 whole days.

3 whole days of pure shit.

Sam worked from between the office nearby and home, so he would come in and out often. He had cameras everywhere and locked the house up, so I couldn't even open the door from the inside to leave.

I spent the days cleaning what he told me to, and reading a few of the books he gave me. He said I will need to start cooking dinner soon for us, so I should start looking at recipe books he had.

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