Chapter 2

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My alarm went off at exactly 6:30 am. I woke up and prayed asking God for his blessing and grace as I went with my day. While searching for a pair of socks, I realized I need to do my laundry but one thing that caught my attention was a book that I bought from the library.

I have heard Ari talking about it all the time and she said I should look it up and that I will love it. Well I went ahead and buy a book. It is a bdsm book, "bdsm basics for beginners by Michelle Fegatofi" I don't even know why I bought it, but whenever she is talking about the lifestyle as she calls it, her eyes are sparkling and she seems so vibrant that I said okay. Here we are, it's been two months since I bought it, I haven't read it yet.

I went to the kitchen of my small apartment of 1650 dollars per month, my father gave me two thousands dollars per month, the bills are on me. I love winter but when I am inside I like to turn on the heat, in the summer which I despise I love to turn on the AC so yeah, the struggle is real.

I turn on the microwave to reheat a small piece of tacos that I left last night, while I am washing the strawberries, grapes and green apple. Fruits are amazing and if someone wants to pave their way through my heart, buy me food and fruits. Flowers are out of my calendar since I am allergic to pollen, that is why I hate spring; I am always sneezing, my nose is running because well flowers are blooming, pollen are everywhere, it is a nightmare.

After eating my tacos and packing my fruits and putting them inside my bag, I brush my teeth, wash my face and went out. My exam is at 9 am, I put my headphones on my ears, took my keys, turn off the lights in my bedroom, took my phone and saw it was 8 am.

I will walk today, through my phone connected with my headphones, I played "experience by Ludovico Einaudi" It is my routine before every exam I will take the time to feel free and out of the world by listening and feel every fiber in my body embraces the experience of listening to that master piece while brushing up my notes in my head chapter after chapter

Fifteen minutes later, I made it through the campus. You can feel it was exam time but I went straight to the classroom because when people are freaking out over a class it tends to make me nervous and I will forget everything that I spent my time studying.

The week passed in a blur, I didn't even realize it was Friday. Ari called me earlier because she knew I would forgot about our plan, well in the middle of fighting for my life and future of course I will forget about the club. I am a priority girl, I am a strong believer of everything has a place and time.

It is actually 1 pm, i need to take a nap, refresh myself before going out. I sleep for 3 hours, I woke up at 4:30 pm. Thankfully my mother drop by with food, I am going to reheat some of the finest Caribbean food, I will leave some for Ari. She will kill me if I eat everything and throw the bowls on her face, she is in love with my mom's cooking. After getting my belly full with food, I went and took a shower, I shave, scrub, the water was so hot, it was heaven.

I don't even know what to wear, I will go all black, black never let you down. It is classy, badass, chic, elegant, everything. As I was struggling to pick between a leather pants or a leather skirt, my phone starts ringing.

Hey, Ari

"I am on my way!!!!" she yells on the phone

"why are you always screaming, are you drunk?. If so, we are not going out" I said.

"I am not, we will take care of each other tonight, no reckless behavior. We are ladies in the street" she said laughing

"Anyway, mom dropped by, she left food and I ate it all" I said stifling my laugh


"You love me too much to kill me, waiting for you at home" I said hanging up. I decided to wear a leather pants with blue heels, a black cut out crop top with a leather jacket. I left my curly brown and blond hair free as it is, it feels like a crown.

I feel good, red lips, nude illusion make up, blue eyeliner on my eyelids. I put my shades on, I will always were black glasses, days or nights. There is something mysterious and sexy by not being able to see someone's eyes.

While putting perfume on, I heard a lot of banging at the door. Well the beast is out and she is hungry. I opened the door, she almost fell, not sparing me a glance and going straight into the kitchen. I left her a plate on the counter knowing if she didn't find any food she might really try to strangle me.

She was eating the rice while moaning, I love your mother she said while licking her finger. She wore a leather dress, black heels and a high ponytails. The way she is eating right now is funny, opening her mouth as wide as she can because she doesn't want to mess her lipstick

I snap a picture, it is so hilarious. She just glares at me and said

"You better delete it "

"I will leave it and show your future husband how classy and angelic his wife is over food"

"Hmmm, by the time we are in our thirties, you are going to lose this picture anyway, suits yourself" she said not even sparing me a glance, her full attention on the food

Since it's 9 pm, I connect my phone on the speaker and started listening "apocalypse by cigarettes after sex" I sing along "got the music in you baby, tell me why" and I sighed

"we have been single for three years now, well I never really have a relationship. Imagine we found our life partners tonight. A girl can dream, maybe the song put me in that state of mind" I keep staring into a void feeling a faint smile on my face. That was about to change because I couldn't hear the song anymore. I lift my head of a pillow on the sofa, Ari was looking at me like I was an alien

"you are always having a deep talk in the most inappropriate moment, we are out for the fun, dancing and partying. We are neither looking for sex nor a boyfriend. Relax, everything will be fine" she said kissing my cheeks and bopping softly our forehead together.

If only she knew how lonely I am. Adulthood is hard, I am so grateful for Ari. "I am so grateful and happy to have you Ari" I said hugging her

"Don't make me emotional, with that damn music playing. When did you press play, lets get out of here" she said pushing me out of my apartment

"it is going to be lit tonight" she said winking

Bonjour/Bonsoir Sugarsss

Vous allez bien?

Happy Halloween you guysss, hope the festivities are going well

Fun fact, I am in my pyjama writing because I am not an Halloween type of girl. Christmas all the way till my last breath

Bye Sugarsss

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