Chapter 6

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Sanders POV:

Since my childhood I have been surrounded by wealthy and rich people. I was adopted, based on what my parents told me, at 3 years old. Growing up in this environment was hard thankfully I had my older brother to protect me, he is 6 years older than me. Most of the times he was acting as a shield against the bullies but since my fifteenth birthday, things took a different turn, I think at that time he pretty much figured out he needed to protect those who used to bully me from me.

I didn't want to go out, I spent the entire week working on a project that was pretty stressful. I just wanted to sleep but Marc Kane has a way of ruining your plan at the most unexpected time.

It is Sunday what couldn't possibly wait for Monday, only Kane will know at this point. Being the sons of the Allister is exhausting but I am not complaining. If so I am grateful, because of them I am living a wonderful life who knows how my life would have turned out if I wasn't adopted.

As I am putting my boots on, I heard the familiar sound of the penthouse elevator opening and I know only Kane will be this bold to come here unannounced. Halfway from coming down the stairs, I hear him on the phone with someone; I don't pay him no mind as I take 2 glass, a pack of ice and a bottle of whisky. I pour us a glass and I went on the sofa waiting for him to finish his call

There is a lot of things that I don't discuss with him on the phone. The Allister's are discreet, we are known to be wealthy but like any wealthy family there is also the business on the side that is not all sunshine and rainbows. I am not an angel myself but dad knew I didn't want to be involved in the business on the side plus according to the other members I am not a legitimate heir to take over; not that I mind because Kane is the oldest and the legitimate heir, this is his responsibility.

"Marc" he said just to annoy me

"It's Sanders, idiot; what is it that you have to ruin my plan" I said my eyes closed

"I need you with me, don't worry I am just going to sign a contract but I need you there with me" he said taking his glass of whisky

"you know how I feel about it, I don't want to be a part of it. I handle the legal part and you deal with the illegal part" I said sighing

"you are delusional, you do realize we are pouring the dirty money in our companies, hotels and clubs. You are just turning a blind eye making it feel like you are not a part of it in order to have a peaceful mind but you are as deep as I am in it brother" he said chuckling

I ignore him and keep my eyes closed, deep down I know he is right but I guess as long as I am feeding myself this lie, my conscience will feel at peace and slightly better than everyone else. I am any better actually but I don't want to touch drugs, it is a very lucrative business but a scary one. I don't want to go near it

"Anyway, when will you meet whoever you are meeting, I need to wake up early tomorrow it's already 5:30pm" I said after checking my watch

"Relax, at 6:30" he said checking his phone

"well, where?" I said getting slightly irritated

"I know this is not an ideal situation but they will send me their location and I will go to them" he said relaxing on the sofa

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?". They come to us

"Do you want them to come to your penthouse. I can make that happen" he said reaching for his phone

"you must be crazy or have a death wish to even think about something like that" I said kicking his right foot as he started laughing

Sitting comfortably in the deafening silence, he stood up abruptly and said let's go. I watch as he switch up real fast in front of me his playful demeanor turning into a cold expression just like me when I am on business mode but he is way colder. I think it's sad that at thirty six years old he is all alone not in the slightest interested to be with someone, at thirty years I am no better. Who am I to judge, it is not like we are not having sex whenever we want to

The lawyer's dominant - Comfort | 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora