Chapter 11

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Miss Laurent,

We are very pleased to accept you as one of our intern along side the others. May this experience be helpful in your career and future project.

We are expecting you on Monday at 8 am with formal attire; preferably black, white, dark blue, gray, dark green, light blue, brown, beige.

Congratulations Miss Laurent, Do not be late


I was reading the email with wide eyes. I feel content and stress but I realize that in the middle of all this mess, light was already on her way. I ran to my closet to see if I have appropriate clothes for my internship, if not I will have to go shopping.

Truth is I didn't think they were going to accept me as an intern, because it's been two weeks and I didn't receive any email. I have heard from others that it's a custom of the Westminster to not send any email back if you are not accepted. Since I didn't receive the email after two weeks I did the math, guess I was wrong.

I didn't find much in my closet, it was full of more casual clothes, jeans, hoodie, jackets, sweat pants, leather pants and the shoes do not fit all. Before anything else, I should check my account and see how much I am able to spend, since I am working online at a retail store, I should send a notice before my internship starts. I won't have time for two jobs now.

I started working at the retail company online two years ago, it was a back up plan in case my father decides to stop supporting me financially. Even though I am studying law, I took my time to go in a lot of business and administration courses in order to understand the perspective of taxes and how to deal with money.

My father didn't know that I was working, I work 5 hours a day. I will be forever grateful towards God and the person who gives me the opportunity to choose my work hours. It was much more convenient.

I am not a spender, but half of the bills was on me and other necessity. Clothes weren't a priority but I love to feel good. I always have a massage, nails and toes done maybe once in a month but what got all my money are perfumes, candles, scrubs and skin care products , don't forget my car.

I sit in the living room after checking my closet, as I was checking my account I feel a thrilled feeling called excitement. I am happy because this is a new chapter and freedom is on the way. I will be free from any type of restraint from my father but also take my mother with me.

My Thursday night took a turn that I wasn't expecting but history is in the making, now I should share this good news with Ari. I will not bother her tonight but surely tomorrow she and I will go shopping. It's a new day in my life, an intern at Westminster. How cool!

I put the pizza in the oven and the ice cream in the refrigerator. It is time to brush my teeth and have a good night of rest so I will not feel drain tomorrow. After doing my night routine, I put a 7:30 am alarm that way I will give Ari a brief resume before going out and also cleaning my apartment.

It was 10 pm when I went to my bed after choosing my outfit for tomorrow, but I couldn't sleep maybe it was the feeling of excitement and nervousness that was taking over me but I keep tossing on the bed until eventually I fall asleep

I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, when I realized that my bedroom door was slightly ajar and light was coming from the living room. It was confusing to say the least, I remembered closing my bedroom door and turning off the lights in the living room. Bills are too high to pay more than necessary because of a reckless behavior

I tried to tip toe inside of my bedroom to see what is going but I tripped on my bed sheets and fell on the floor that's when I heard the door of my apartment closed harshly. I started shaking like a leaf, fear kept me freezing in place. My mind went blank not knowing what to do because I was petrified, I peed myself.

Was it a thief? Am I being stalked?

I quickly took my phone to call Ari but it was 5:30 am, it's so dark outside I thought it was still the night. Who could it be? Was he the one making the noise the neighbor was complaining about? My mind keep throwing questions at me as if I have the answers

I dialed Mr. Averest number, but realized it was still 5:30 am, I cut the call and sat on the floor of my bedroom soaking in my pee on the sheets.

Despite not seeing who was in my apartment, I am scared because it is the first time in three years that I have encountered this situation. What if this is not the first time that person came into my bedroom? I used to sleep naked at time when I didn't feel like wearing clothes. I feel violated and dirty.

My skin started itching, my privacy was invaded in the most disgusting way possible. What if he took pictures of me? what am I going to do? That won't do, I need to call Mr. Averest

"Hello" he answered his voice groggy from sleep

With a shaky voice I asked him to see his camera from the hall as soon as he makes it to the complex. Because i know the security won't allow me to see the videos without his presence.

I was sleepy but I couldnt because my body keep feeling the danger, so when the clock hit 6:30. I make my way through the living room and check everything to see if something was missing. Weirdly enough everything was in place, even my purse that I forget on the couch is still there with 20 dollars inside.

My alarm startled me, I went through my messages and text Ari.

I couldn't take a shower, I felt as if someone was watching me. What if he puts camera in the bathroom? I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face, I went inside of my bedroom and wipe my vagina up with a baby wipes but I feel so dirty. Neglecting this area can lead to infections or worst but the situation I am in is not the ideal.

With my laptop, purse, clothes, panties, toothbrush and my scrubs and scented body mist and vanilla candles in a bag. I make my way outside of my bedroom apartment, when my phone starts ringing; i3ts Mr. Averest, I forgot about him.

As soon as, he told me he is there, I made my way to the security room. While I was there, they start playing the video: the hallway was empty but you can see a man wearing a hoodie with gloves and boots in front of the complex walking away. But the video is not showing anyone in the hallway

Seems like someone erased the video but I keep my thoughts to myself. The matter at hand is my safety, it's better if I don't run my mouth around this people.

I eyed every single one of the workers inside of the security room but they were paying me no mind. But my intuition keeps me on my toes, the feeling of someone is not to be trusted or something is fishy. Definitely.

Hi Sugarss✨✨✨
Who do you think it was?
Does she have a stalker?
Was it a bad joke??

Don't forget to vote✨✨✨

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