chapter 25

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Previous chap.
Jungkook refused to acknowledge their love as Tae will suffer if they both start a relationship. Jin promised to be a good husband to Tae. Jin propose Tae to  pretend like they are in love in front of Jungkook. But Tae gently refuse. But Yu-Jun step forward to help Jin.


A good afternoon. It was almost a month later when all those things happened at queen's chamber. Jin never indulge in initiating a conversation with Jungkook since then. It did hurted Jungkook but for greater good he also choose to stay quiet.

When Jin decided to give Jungkook the position of major general at the army a lot of people including Jin's very very old faith believer father decided to oppose the idea.

As soon as the announcement left from Jin's mouth the disappointed sighs came as return from the standing crowd which did shook Jungkook to the core. And the vibration was clearly felt by the prince as he was just standing beside Jungkook.

Jin pause for a moment before catching Jungkook's shaking hand within his and announcing the biggest challenge has ever thrown to any warrior.

Jin ordered to organize a battle between Jungkook and all those who are willing to take over the position of major general which was currently granted for Jungkook.

Jungkook hand was finally relaxed.

Jungkook shocked upon realizing the amount of faith Jin has on him.

They arranged the battle field.

Jungkook showed up at 11AM and left the battle field at 5 PM when the sun decided to settle down after giving a final kick to Jackson.

The whole town had broken throat after cheering so much for Jungkook that day. And the Jeon Jungkook's bravery was well imprinted in their memory for rest of their life from that night.

The very next day Jungkook got his deserving major title and the position of Jin's bodyguard which was his more wished title but all with Jin's blank face.

Jungkook stood two step behind, beside Jin proudly.

An lazy afternoon, The prince settled for dining with his friends.

Jungkook initially was not invited for dining with royals but Taehyung insisted. To be honest kind of manipulate Jungkook to attend lunch with him so that he wouldn't feel lonely.

So after all Jungkook is also scheduled to have lunch with everyone.

This afternoon Jin was late to enter so the lunch also started late. Jungkook seems hungry much more the pregnant Hoseok.

The mood was light.

Suddenly a knock was heard. Jin order to come in. A royal maid of princess Yu-Jun came inside and bow down to her knees.

As soon as Jin nodded the maid presented the urge of the princess.

"Your Highness, My highness wants your presence in her chamber. Urgently. It is her wish. She needs your presence there. She is in pain."

The words hit Jungkook ears and went straight to his brain and as soon as it registered his heart sank deep.

These phase are common to ask for your partners during heat or rut.

Jungkook's chewing stopped immediately.

Jin got up washing his hand in the hot water and drying his hand in soft cloth.

Jungkook was quick to follow.

Jin and Jungkook stopped in front of the large chamber door. This is the biggest part of south wing and this belongs to The princess Yu-Jun, Jin's first wife.

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