chapter 18

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Previous chap.

Jungkook got presented.


Jin is laying on the bed with Jungkook is between his arms at same position. Jungkook was hardly in sense of two seconds before eventually giving up in front of sleep.

Jungkook is looking gorgeous. The white fur is flawlessly covering him. Jin always thought black is Jungkook's colour even Jungkook's horse Miri is black but since when whites started look better on him.

The storm outside has started to slow down but that in Jin's heart haven't.

Jin doesn't know how Jungkook will react to be present as omega. Jin knows that Jungkook is an omega by the burst of the scent at the moment of transformation. He doesn't need any further conformation.

That strawberry-chocolate sweet scent is enough to make him understand Jungkook's subgender. He was genuinely impressed how Jungkook got that soft fruity smell along with rich chocolate. Most omegas have flower smell but Jungkook fruity smell is just hits different.

When he was presented the older omega who has been assisting him there told the king that Jin is gonna be an alpha just by the presence of the Jin's scent which was sandalwood which is slightly undertoned by seasalt. He was a mix of wood and aqua scent.

This is where Jin's fear lies. He knows how much desperate Jungkook was just to be presented as an alpha. He knows Jungkook's every emotion. He knows how much devastated Jungkook will be.

Next morning.

Jungkook squirmed in the sleep indicating its time to open eyes and get away from dreams.

Jin slowly walked towards Jungkook and sitting beside Jungkook he started to run his hand through Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook felt the touch and opened his eye which are pure blue in colour.

Jin's heart fluttered. He didn't wanted to get caught how his eyes immediately change colour. So Jin held Jungkook's head on his chest letting the younger listening to his heart beating.

Jungkook took some time to compose everything. He felt fresh. He felt the bloom inside his heart.

Jin slowly pulled Jungkook up. Looking at the afterglow in Jungkook's face Jin smiled.

"Jungkook, you may try to listen to your inner voice."

Jungkook closed his eyes.

He sensed the presence of another inside his head.

"Who it is?" Jungkook felt weird while asking his own self its identity.

"I am you. Your social and physical and mental identity. I am just you. If think me as different then I am different and if not then I am you."

Jungkook open his eyes. He told Jin about the talk.

Jin started telling Jungkook how he need to consider his inside voice as himself and that is the only way to control your inner subgender. Or else it will not listen to you and you will lose power over it. And how his subgender will get out of his control and making his lose power on your own self and causing him become more animalistic by nature. Whereas everyself need to be more human.

"Jin hyung I understood. We have both animalistic and humanistic behaviors inside ourself and we should always let the human side of our over power the animal tendencies so that we can have a better life."

"Yes. And that what warewolves signifies. You have grown up Jungkook. I am sure you are paying more attention to my rantings now that you can summarize the whole thing in one or two sentences"

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