chapter 17

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Previous chap.
Yumi helped Jin to take decision about Jungk9ok's presentation.Jin is prepared for Jungkook's presentation. Yumi made sure to let Jin know that she will be thake to help Jungkook if needed. Jin and Jungkook reached the place. And Jin made the den for Jungkook. Jungkook's headache turned worse and he realized about the presentation.

"I am okey Jin hyung. Jungkookie is okey."

Jin looked up at Jungkook's sweaty face. It is visible of the face that his sweet baby is in utmost pain.

Jin caressed jungkook's pretty face. He was looking so pretty tonight. Jin's face was really close to jungkook. Too to close that a little movement can connect their lips. If honestly asked they were both in verge of losing themself in each other's lips.

Jin pulled himself up when the the scent hit him . The scent it is very sweet and really mild. There is no doubt that the smell is from jungkook. Is it gonna be jungkook's scent? Jin locked his eyes with Jungkook.

Jin smiled. He is happy. He will now have this sweet scent all the time around him. His whole existence will be wrapped up in this sweet scent. Jin felt a little tears in his eyes.

He bent down on jungkook and kissed on his forehead.

"Baby, it will hurt but you will be okey trust me."

Jungkook nodded.

After almost half an hour the first wave of presentation hits. Yumi was really prepared. She knows how uncomfortable the environment is for Jungkook. She prepared the bowl of cold water and the clean white clothe previously.

"Jin can you open Jungkook's jeogori."

Jin untangled his hand from Jungkook's and opened the Jeogori which was already soaked in the sweat.

Jungkook whined due to the loss of touch.

Slowly the breathing became harder, body became hot, The sweat started dripping and the untolarating pain took over Jungkook's body indicating that the first wave have started.  Yumi wet the clothe and rubbed it onto Jungkook's whole body.

Jungkook started to groan in pain which slowly converted to him writhing and squirming. Jungkook hold onto Jin  with his death grip. He knows well it will leave a mark but he doesn't have any choice.

After almost 2 hours of suffering the wave started to calm down leaving jungkook devastated. Jungkook's grip on Jin slowly fell loose as he drifted towards sleep.

Yumi slowly walked towards jin. Putting a hand on jin's shoulder who slumped against the wall.

"Jin the second wave with be within an hour or two I think we should find some foods for jungkook. He will be hungry when wake up."

Jin nodded. He got up. Grabbing the clothes bag he previously brought he ran out. Changing into his wolf form he searched for some fruits.

And in the mean time without anyone's notice the sky took a dangerous form indicating the upcoming storm.

It didn't took long to turn the mare drizzle into a huge storm. And unfortunately Jin got stuck. It was almost half an hour when the panic inside jin turned into anxiousness. He tucked the bag in between his teeth and ran. He doesn't know how much he ran until he felt lost.

Yes! He is lost in between this jungle.

"What crime did I commit that this happened? Oh God." Jin grabbed his head in between his plam.

He doesn't know for how long he has been roaming and where he is heading towards when he heard that blood curdling scream of Jungkook.

Jin searched for the source of the voice. His mind was racing. Some unwanted scenarios scrubbing inside his mind. He was trying his best to keep himself in senses and yet he is failing.

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