chapter 16

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Previous chap.

Yoongi went back to the castle. And now when its time for Namjoon to go Jin got the indication of Jungkook getting presented. Namjoon wanted to stay back which Jin also wanted but couldn't as he promised the workers to go back home after all these days.


Yumi slowly sat beside Jin.

"Can I run ? " Jin asked.

Yumi smiled., " No. With jungkook in this condition you can't run upto the kingdom. "

" Then what am I suppose to do ?"

"You are supposed to make a den in jungle."

"Den?! What are you even saying? Isn't that gonna be scary. It can threat jungkook's safty. A den is much more fragile. Any wild can harm him also he is getting presented." Jin busted immediately after hearing the suggestion.

"Jin you aren't in some luxury that you have a roof to provide jungkook. And you can't let him getting presented here can you!?"

"How you guys are presented ?"

"My father and some villagers made a temporary house for me near the end of the jungle. That's what villagers do here. But we don't have time to make that so den will work. Because it is risky for a omega or alpha to present in any house. After all he is presenting it isn't any heat or rut which goes in cycle. The neighborhood can be affected by the scent. There are also alpha and omega who are not mated and going through rut or heat it is risky for them. The kids here can witness unpleasant things. First rut and heat always hurt more than hell. "

"Even if I make a den for him how can I make sure his safety ?"

"Jin you need to be there all the time. I cannot assure you that Jungkook is totally safe there. But he will be much safe than here. "

"I-I want to ask you something. "

"Yes. Although I know what is bothering you but tell me."

"Who can accompany jungkook throught his rut?"

"Rut? Are you sure he is gonna be an alpha?"

"I guess. He always says about presenting as alpha so...."

"Hmm. If he is going to be present as alpha then you will help. I doubt though he will let another alpha in his territory. But since Jungkook is so close to you I think he will let you help him. And if he will present as omega then I will be there to help him."

"You will be there! Thank you. I am so relieved right now."

Jin glanced at Jungkook.

He stood up.

"Can you show me the direction? "

" I have a map. "

"Okey. "

Jin got all the things binded up immediately.

" Yumi, how much time we have for his presentation? "

" At least a seven-eight hours. I think that's enough for you to reach at the fort......don't worry that way is can do it."

Jin nodded. He woke jungkook up. Jungkook sat up in cluelessness. He was feeling headache.

" Jin hyung?! "

" Yeah baby. " Jin caressed Jungkook's locks.

" Why I was in that healer's house? Did I got faint again?"

" Yes. The healer said you should go for a little change. Here they have a spot to chill. So we are gonna chill there. Then again come back. "

Jungkook nodded. He was feeling good but the headache wouldn't go.

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