I miss you.

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The days were passing faster and faster, Minho was becoming more and more tired.

His mood swings were less, the only few that remained were him being extra pouty or just having the energy to scold Jisung over stupid things.

Soon enough most of the necessarities were all ready now they needed to wait for the baby.


Minho was laying in the living room resting, he felt so heavy now that his belly was growing more.

He didn't have the energy he used to have so he would get tired really quick.

"Minho~ are you feeling okay?" Jisung spoke placing his hand on minho's forehead.

The other opened his eyes slowly looking at Jisung who stood beside him.

"I'm fine." He mumbled, his eyes barely open.

"I'm leaving for a business trip, I'll be back in three days,will you be okay?" He asked, Minho opened his eyes quickly and shot up into a sitting position.

"Huh? You never told me about this.." he said with a little frown.

"Sorry I just got informed this morning it was sudden, should I call someone to come stay with you?" Jisung replied.

"It's fine, I'll take care of myself, it's not too long anyway." Minho said, he felt a bit upset but he was quite unbothered, the only bad thing would be the fact that without Jisung around he's going to need to everything by himself which means he's gonna be exhausted.

"Don't worry, I already made you some meals and put them in the freezer all you need to do is heat them up and eat, don't forget your vitamins and your belly cream." Jisung said, and slowly patted minho's head.

"If you need anything call Felix or hyunjin, they'll be willing to help, and if anything extremely urgent happens call me."

Minho nodded and waved his hand 'yeah just go' type of way. Jisung sighed and picked up his bag.

"I'll get going now"

"Bye bye~"


A few hours had passed already and Minho was doing nothing important.
One thing was for sure, he was feeling really weird.

He tried to fall asleep because he felt tired, but he couldn't. So he ended up laying in the living room watching TV.

He already had dinner and cleaned up after he was done. So he didn't think he'd need to get up anymore.

He cozied up on the comfy sofa and rested.

As he was laying there he could feel some movement in his stomach.

A few days remained before the arrival of this baby and he still doesn't know how to feel.

" We haven't chosen a name for you.." he said as he shifted position, now laying on his back with his hand over his stomach.

"What do you think?"

"The weather was very pretty when I found out about you, you'll need a pretty name too...maybe flora? Rose?" He sighed, " I'll think about it, for now you'll have to be called baby, because I  don't know what to name you yet."

As he was having this mini conversation his phone began to ring.

He grabbed it and read the caller id.

"Well well well, it's your dad baby he's calling." He said as he picked up.

"Baby?" Jisung asked confused.

"Yes? She's busy if your asking about the real baby but I'm currently taking her calls." Minho said playing around.

"Oh, what are you even saying. Did you eat?" Jisung said.


"Did you like the food? Or.."

"It was good...ish, I was in no place to complain, plus I was too lazy to make my own. Thanks anyway" Minho said placing his phone down beside him.

Jisung sighed "that's good I guess.. you should go sleep soon, you sound very tired."

"Says the one that sounds like an old man, how about you, did you finish work?" Minho asked, his eyes had been shut at this point. He was just listening to the others voice and replying.

"Yes, I finished a bit ago." Jisung said, a little chuckle could be heard. He loved whenever Minho showed this side of himself.

M"Did you have dinner?"

J"Yes I already ate and showered. I'm in bed right now just decided to call you before going to sleep"

M."I see....well I'm feeling sleepy too."

J" do you want me to go now?"

Silence for a moment..

M" you can stay...I'm lonely."
Minho spoke in a soft and gentle tone.

Jisung could feel his face heating up just by hearing his voice through the phone.

"Oh okay, I'll be here then."

The call had remained, for a moment they both went silent but then Minho asked Jisung a few things, and so on it lead to Jisung saying a bunch of things.

As he was explaing and answering he realized he could only hear faint breathing and the noises from the tv.

Minho had fallen asleep.

He couldn't help but smile.

He slowly pulled his phone close to him and blew a kiss near it.

"Minho, your so cute, sleep well, dream about me.."

"Good night Jisung-ah..."


Chapter 16 end

A/n: 🤭🤭
I have no excuses tbh, I genuinely had a looooong break where I was trying to get myself to write something but there was no motivation whatsoever.

I'm loving all the support, since I'm on holiday right now I'll TRY my best to get a few chapters out. MUAH ILY ALL

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