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The next morning arrived and Minho was awakened by Jisung's voice and a few taps on his back.

"Minho wake up, we have to go soon." The older spoke while gently waking the younger.

He groaned and turned around, yawing and stretching his arms.

"Get ready, we're leaving soon." Jisung said while ruffling Minho's messy hair then he left the room.

'right...the doctor, I forgot all about that.' Minho thought.

He quickly got up and started getting ready, he felt tired like very, so he didn't want to put too much effort into his outfit.

He just wore some comfy sweat pants and a T-shirt, he threw on a jacket fixed his hair.

Once he finished all that he left the room and walked into the seating area.

Jisung was standing near the kitchen counter with his phone in hand.

"Good morning." He said.
"Here eat this " jisung motioned to the plate beside him, it was a slice of cake and a warm mug of chocolate milk.

'i feel like I'm the baby here..' Minho sighed and took a seat.

"Did you get an appointment I don't really want to wait too long." He asked while eating.

"Of course I did, that's why I was waking you up early." Jisung replied.

He waited for Minho to finish eating then got up and went to the door.

He grabbed one of Minho's many  converses and handed it to him.

Again Minho sighed, he really doesn't know how to feel when someone is taking this much care of him.

To be fair, Jisung always treated him this way, pregnant or not.
Jisung likes to baby people, caring for others is his love languages.


They were now in the car heading to the clinic.

For some reason Minho was feeling very nervous.

The silence in the car was making him feel more and more anxious.
"What's wrong?" Jisung spoke, his voice surprised Minho since he was lost in his own thoughts.

"A little nervous." He said looking at the driver.
Jisung hummed, "there's nothing to be nervous about, to be honest I'm a little excited." Jisung smiled.

Minho shook his head "still, I feel very anxious I don't even know why." He sighed.

Jisung thought for a moment then spoke with a smile appearing on his lips "Want me to tell you something? It'll take your mind off things."

Minho hummed a yes and waited for Jisung to speak.

He was getting more and more curious as he watched Jisung giggling and trying to hide his smile.

"What is it?tell me." The black haired boy said tilting his head and looking right at Jisung.

"Well, you know how usually pheromones depend on the mood of its owner?" He said, Minho nodded.

"That doesn't happen when an omega is pregnant."

For a moment Minho was confused then he was thinking about what his pheromones were like.

"How?" He asked.

"Your scent right now, it is indicating that you are pregnant. It is much stronger then your usual scent."

"What does it smell like?" Minho asked.

"It's a milky cream type of scent, it's also very sweet, I think it's because of all the sweet things you've been eating" he smiled.

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