"the truth is.."

560 31 11

"Is Minho the person you got pregnant?"

That question made multiple eyes widen.

Minho was surprised, he looked at Jisung with his brows furrowed 'YOU TOLD HIM ABOUT THIS?!' He motioned with his mouth, Jisung shook his head and just shrugged.

Chris was very confused, he kept looking at the duo then back at hyunjin.

Soon enough they were all lead into the office to discuss this in private.

All eyes were on the couple.

"Explain, we're quite interested to be honest." Hyunjin said nudging Chris's shoulder.

"Yup, when did this happen? When did you two even get back together?" He asked curiously.

Minho sighed glaring at Jisung.

"Listen, long story short, it's not Jisung's kid but actually my ex got me pregnant and Jisung convinced me that I should just keep it and that he would help me out with taking care of it, that's it." He said.

Jisung nodded along, while the other two were almost in utter shock.

"It's not yours?! For fucks sake Minho, why isn't that asshole taking responsibility for this?" Hyunjin complained, while Chris was at a loss for words.

Minho didn't know what to say really, he was just too scared to tell someone like him about this.

Plus what would it benefit him, that guy cheated and said he never even loved him. It broke his heart then and it would brake again if he said anything.

As he was thinking, Jisung could feel that he was becoming more anxious and he didn't want him too feel that way.

He slowly reached over placing a hand on Minho's shoulder and gently caressing it.

"It was a though choice but he had to keep it this way, you know the asshole cheated on him" he said in a stern tone.

"HE CHEATED ON YOU!?" The two of them said at the same time jumping from their seat in a raging fit.

"He did yeah, and whatever I didn't like him that much either" Minho rolled his eyes.

He was starting to get irritated the more he thought about him.

The two looked at him for a moment then looked at one another.

"Heh yeah! That's the spirit, don't think about that jerk." Chris said in an attempt to comfort him.

"Yeah that's right." Hyunjin nodded along.

Minho just nodded and told them to sit down for a moment.

"Hyunjin, can I ask you something?" He said looking at the other, the blonde nodded instantly awaiting this question.

"How did you know? Did this idiot tell you?" He said pinching Jisung's hand.

"Oh, well he did mention that he was expecting a baby..." He said, hearing this Minho already began to scold Jisung with evil looks and more pinches.

"But he never told me it was you, I just assumed cause it's pretty obvious..." He said looking to the side as if he was calling Minho dumb.

"What? What is?" Minho curiously asked.

"Your pheromones Min, they smell like baby milk." He said looking him straight in the eye.

A small gasp escaped Minho's lips while quickly raising his hand and placing over his mouth.

"Since when!?" He said. "Jisung you didn't say anything!" He said, his tone sounding like a kid that was ready to throw a tantrum.

Jisung shrugged "you didn't ask me about it. Plus I already told you i think it's cute."

The other two made and 'ooo' noise teasing Minho.

He furrowed his brows and crossed his arms. He just kept silent while slowly hiding his pheromones.

But he was surprised to hear a sudden laughing from all three of them.

"Minho, you know we can tell when you hide it." Christopher laughed.

"He doesn't want to accept that fact." Jisung teased.

"Oh shut up all of you, if I hide it no one else will know.." he said.

"Smart but not quite, your gonna end up with a humongous belly, the whole world is bound to find out" Hyunjin said teasing him again.

"No, I got the cream that lessens the swelling" he replied brows furrowed again.

"Trust me, that doesn't do anything" Hyunjin added pretending he knew everything.

Minho genuinely wanted to argue back but was slowly believing him.

He looked at Jisung with the 'really?' look in his eyes.

"He's teasing you Mini, come on hyunjin let him be, he's gonna be really upset." He said patting Minho's head.


The guys continued to chat for a few more minutes, they asked multiple question about the pregnancy.

And comforted Minho that things would be alright, hyunjin asked if he tell Felix and Minho agreed.

Since Felix was a beta he wouldn't have noticed anyway so it would be a big surprise.

They all came to an agreement that they would pretend it was Jisung's kid so people wouldn't say mean things.

After talking they decided to go home since they were extremely tired.

Jisung had to hold Minho's hand the entire walk to the parking lot because he was falling asleep.

Once they got home he helped him change his outfit and put him to bed.

Jisung quickly went looking for the cream and took a seat beside Minho who was half awake half asleep.

He raised his short a little then started to rub his belly gently in a circular motion.

Minho felt even more relaxed then he already was.

He looked at Jisung with his eyes barely open.

"Jisung...." He mumbled.

The older looked at him and hummed "yes?"

Minho's face was a little red and somewhat puffy due to how tired and sleepy he was. Jisung thought that was really cute.

"Do you think...the baby would look cute...?" He said, his voice sounding very soft. He had already closed his eyes at this point.

Jisung chuckled at the question "I think so, they would look very adorable since your their mother. You know how babies take after their mother more then their father." He said finishing up with the massage.

Minho hummed in response.

"Go to sleep now, your exhausted." Jisung said and began to walk to the door.

He paused for a moment to turn off the lights but right before he did he heard Minho speak one more time before shifting in position.

"I wish they would look like you..."

Chapter 12 end...

A/n: Minho becoming a cutie patootie for this chapter.

I'm really sorry about the updates I've been a little busy lately with so much on my mind that I kept forgetting to write. I hope you enjoyed the chapter (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ

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