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The drive home was the definition of silence. The two just kept silent the whole time.

Both thinking of many things, for Minho, he was trapped in an endless train of thought all about what Jisung Told him.

Jisung on the other hand, he was worried if his idea were to get rejected. But if it weren't, how would he react?

So many questions but no answers to accompany them.

Soon enough the car was parked. And they both got out of the vehicle.

Minho was walking in a slow and delayed pace, while Jisung was trying not to leave him behind.

"Minho!" Jisung snapped making Minho jump. "Stop thinking for now, you can think all you want when we are inside, This is a parking lot after all." He said and pointed at the car that was about to take it's leave.

"Uh...I guess." Minho sighed and proceeded faster.

Not long after they had entered the apartment and were both settling down.

Minho quickly took off his shoes and ran into his room.

"Don't bother me for a bit, I'll be out later." He told Jisung who was walking to the living room.

"Alright, take your time." He answered.
He watched as Minho shut the door and he could hear his footsteps fading away.
'it's almost like dealing with a child'
He sighed.

At this point he was more then ready for any answer whether it was a no or a yes.

It was pressure for Minho and he knew that very well, but he cared about him too much.

At the park his lips just moved on their own and words kept following one after the other.

He also felt a bit reluctant about the whole situation, but if Minho were to accept the idea he was more then ready to learn and help take responsibility.

It was only a matter of time and he would get his long awaited answer...

                        ^        ^
Meanwhile minho

Laying on his soft bed with his hands over his stomach. His eyes glued to the ceiling.

He was back to drowning in this river of thought.

He sighed every now and then.

"Oh my go~d" he spoke kicking his feet.
"What do I do with you? Just give me an answer. Now I told him everything and this is how he reacts?" He questioned.

At this point he was just talking with himself, trying to make something of the current situation.

'i'll be the dad' he repeated and felt his face heating up.

He turned around landing his face onto the pillow and let out a muffled yell.

'why are you doing this to me Han Jisung? What is this all about...'

He had to think and he had to do it fast because he also had to rest his mind and the mind of the one sitting in the living room.

He knew that Jisung might have just said that in the heat of the moment and might have not truly meant it, but that would be anything but Jisung.

Knowing him well enough, Han Jisung, never says anything that he doesn't mean.

Minho sighed and grabbed his phone, he quickly went to his messages and texted his friend Seungmin.

'yes or no' he texted. Soon enough he got a reply 'what?' as expected nothing more then being confused.

M 'choose yes or no'

S 'idk, what am I agreeing to and what am I disagreeing to?'

M ' just answer, no need to know.'

S 'ill go with yes then.'

"You...at this point everything is against me..." Minho whined.

He ran to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face.

'i keep this devil baby...it won't be a devil baby anymore because...ugh! Jisung damn it.' he spoke running around the place.

'if I don't. No baby no nothing, but Jisung just seemed so....excited'

He placed a hand on his head ruffling his own hair. The memory of Jisung's eyes going wide in excitement was more then clear in his mind.

"He said take your time...this isn't taking my time..." He sighed and left the bathroom. He decided it would just be best to rest for a bit then come up with a conclusion...

Later with Jisung~ 🌼

The sound of the tv playing in the background as he sat there typing away on his phone. He was seated in the living room doing nothing in particular, but truthfully he was waiting rather patiently.

He was spaced out when the bedroom door creaked open.

None other then black-haired boy, he slowly approached the sofa, his hand rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.

"Jisung..." He said making the other turn his head around.

"Minho, were you asleep?" Jisung asked, the younger nodded and took a seat beside him.

A bit of silence filled the room, Jisung was left expecting something but Minho was silently staring out the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Jisung?" He asked.

"Yes?" Jisung replied, he didn't know how to feel, but he was nervous.

"You'd support whatever I were to say right?" He asked once more.

Jisung nodded, " I'll agree with your decision even if you say-"

"I'll keep it." Minho spoke cutting Jisung mid sentence.
He turned around after not getting a response just to see the biggest smile drawn on Jisung's face.

He was pulled into a tight hug almost instantly.
"You made a good decision mini, I promise to keep my word and take care of the both of you."

These words only made Minho's heart race even faster then before.

He tucked his face that was now turning red into Jisung's neck.

"You better do that...I'll be more then upset if you were tricking me."

Jisung chuckled at these words.
"I swear, I'll take care of this little prince or princess like they are a very precious crown on my head. And you, you just have to stay by my side, no matter what."

"Stop being cheesy" Minho looked away, he was feeling very flustered.
And Jisung was still hugging him tightly.

"Pinky promise"
"Pinky promise"

Chapter 7 end...

A/n: the phrase Jisung said is so touching I swear (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠). I like how

this chapter turned out, I hope you all do to.
I love how my other book 'innocent' is still doing well. I'm hoping 'PAPA!' does just as well. Can't wait for next chapter!

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