'if only'

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A group of childish boy's gathered around a table. Eating their fill of fried chicken and drinking the night away.

Each one feeling a different type of emotion.

"Hung- M-minho~ who am I going to hang out with when your gonee" Felix said between sniffles.

Hyunjin was hiding his smile as he wiped away his tears.

Minho on the other hand, had turned a shade of red, his eyes were squinting and his lips were forming a smile.

It was the day before Minho's departure to itaewon, his friends had arranged a get together so they can have fun one last time before he leaves.

"Oh lix, if u keep crying I'll cry too.." he said while pouring himself a drink.

"Stop drinking so much" Jisung said quickly taking the bottle away.

Minho looked at him for a moment then cracked a smile.
"Jisung-ah...I'll miss you too." He said and embraced the other surprising him all of a sudden.

The other sober ones were making an ooo sound.

"Yeah, mhm I'll miss you" he patted Minho's back slightly.

Minho was drunk, for all he knew he could have not meant a thing he said right now.

His grasp slowly tightened as Minho hugged him.

He had to let go but he wanted to do anything but that.

If only time could take a minute and pause.

If only it could rewind and give him enough time to make things work out between them for the better.

This same person in his arms was the one he loved and adored, but the times weren't right.

That sly jerk and the voices of other people that wouldn't stop whispering.

He knew it was the people's fault for their break up, it was their comments that made Minho so insecure.

Jisung thought following Minho's choices would make him feel better and more relaxed, but then again, he never considered himself.

Not even once.


That night had been cut short due to them getting quite drunk.

Minho was about to black out, he his eyes were barely open.

They all greeted one another and left.

Jisung was taking Minho home, he couldn't leave him alone.

Since he didn't have a place to slay at the moment Jisung took him to his place.

During the car ride Minho kept talking in his sleep, saying things like "I miss you..." And "come with me"

Jisung couldn't help but think he was dreaming about his current boyfriend

It made his blood boil.

That was untill he spoke once more, "jisung-ah..." He mumbled.

Jisung looked at him in an instant humming in response.

The others eyes were still closed and he looked puffy from all the drinking.

He shook his head moved the hair from his face before focusing on the road ahead.

Once they arrived to the house. The lights were out so Jisung assumed his parents were still out.

He carried Minho up the stairs and to his room.

PAPA! {Minsung}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora