Chapter 26

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𝑲𝒂𝒎𝒓𝒚𝒏 𝑷𝑶𝑽,

I opened the door then pulled my suitcase in.

"Bae!" I yelled and the house sounded empty as hell, nem always over here so I was surprised nobody was here.

I just came straight from the airport and I'm exhausted. I went to the laundry room to wash the clothes in my suitcase then got my hygiene together.

"Why is it so damn cold in this house" I complained going to the bedroom and putting on my pyjamas. I then checked my phone to see Rio hasn't been answering my messages.

"Where the fuck this murderer at" I mumbled going on doordash because I was HANGRY.

Bitch my food came before my man, now that's something.

I sat criss crossed on the couch watch KC3's 7 days in stream while eating my Chinese takeout.

I heard the door close and soon later a tall dark skin dread head wearing all black with a balaclava stood at the door way staring at me.

"Who you lookin at?" I jerked my head back and he smirked before coming over. Romario gave me a big hug, falling onto the couch with me. "Miss me?"

"Hell yeah." He replied lifting up his mask revealing his fine self.

I puckered my lips and he smiled then pecked them twice before peppering my face with kisses making me giggle. "I love you" he muttered laying his head in my breasts.

"I love you too" I replied running my hands through his hair. "Why am I hearing you not eating Romario?"

"Because ian hungry"

"Well you finna be hungry now" I pulled his dreads back and he lifted his head up to face me. "When was the last time you ate?"

"When I ate that pussy" he smirked applying pressure to my lower half and I rolled my eyes.

"Bae i'm being for real"

"I had a twix this morning and a can of soda. I'll eat something before I sleep, I promise" he held out his pinky and I locked in.

I placed a kiss on his forehead then leaned back staring into each other's eyes. I licked my bottom lip he swiftly came over to bite it.

"You weird" I chuckled a little.

"You love it" he said doing it again but this time he entered his tongue in my mouth. I sucked on his bottom lip then he sucked on my tongue catching me off guard and I moaned while wrapping my legs around his waist.

I pecked his lips a couple times then lifted my hips against him tryna create some friction but this nigga just rose his hips up higher.

"Bae" I groaned as he continued kissing on my lips. He choked me to the couch then tongued me tf down shutting me up. My pussy was leaking wet, ready for some back breaking, leg shaking, soul taking sex.

I kissed him back just taking whatever he was giving me then he unexpectedly broke the kiss and leaned up.

He licked over his bottom lip slowly with furrowed brows as if he was thinking about something then came off me completely.

I sat up glaring at him as he went over and sat on the couch then changed the tv onto youtube.


"Yes?" He glanced at me while searching on YouTube.

I kissed my teeth picking up my fries and continued eating. When I was done, I went into the kitchen to place my trash in the bin then entered the laundry room to place the clothes in the dryer before returning to the living room.

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