3: Enchanter

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"We should stop here." I said to the Wrecker as we approached a large asteroid field after around a month of wandering.

"Why? Are you picking up something?" Wheeljack asked.

"Potentially. The scanners seem to indicate that there is an abandoned Autobot autopost on one of these larger asteroids. Perhapse, we can find something to salvage or even some energon."

"Sounds like a good idea, Y/D. Just remember to grab a weapon before we go in, just in case." I nodded and got up from the co-pilot seat and went over to the store of spare weaponry, selecting an extra set of katanas that Wheeljack allowed me to borrow on occasion

I was nowhere near as skilled as he was with the blades, but I was learning quite quickly according to the Wrecker. I attached the katanas to my back and returned to the co-pilot's seat.

"What do you think we will find there?" I asked curiously as we carefully weaved through the asteroid field.

"Hopefully, other Autobots, but this outpost was abandoned quite some time ago, so I have my doubts."

"It would be nice to meet other Autobots. You're the first one I've had the pleasure to actually get to know."

"You never encountered other Autobots before?"

"No. Before I met you, the only time I've ever interacted with the Autobots was when I tried to join the Wreckers."

"Not even before Vos fell?"

"Not even before Vos fell. We tried to stay out of the fight as much as possible and figured Megatron would leave us alone. I knew better, though. I tried to warn Vos of the doom, but who would listen to the word of a youngling?"

"I.... I'm sorry, Y/D."

"There's no need to apologize, my friend." I said with a soft and gentle smile. "The past is the past, and there isn't much we can do about it. We can only move forward and take the future head-on." Wheeljack seemed to pause a bit and ponder my words before returning the smile.

We eventually came to the old and ruined outpost, and as soon as we touched down, Wheeljack hopped out and scoped the vicinity.

"No life signatures." Wheeljack said. "Imma scout ahead and see if I can find anything of interest. If I'm not back in, say, 10 minutes come look for me."

"Got it. Be careful, my friend." I said as I watched the Wrecker head inside. While I waited, I decided to ch3ck on the condition of the Jackhammer's exterior, tinkering away with various bits and bobs and adjusting plating all the while an old Vosian lullaby came into my mind.

One that my caretaker Jetfire used to sing to me whenever i had difficulty recharging.

"Home is behind, the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread"

Unaware to me, Wheeljack heard my voice and became charmed by it. He ended up heading back outside to see me sitting on top of the Jackhammer with my legs crossed and my face directed towards the sea of stars.

"Through shadow, to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight."

Wheeljack leaned against a nearby wall and continued to listen to my gentle melody.

"Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade."

He was completely intoxicated by my voice, like a sailor to a siren lost in the seas

"All shall fade
All shall fade."

As I finished my melody, I sensed the Wrecker watching, and I turned my helm to see him completely enamored by me, my face turning a slight blue in response.

"Didn't know you could sing." Wheeljack said. "Thought I was hearing things at first."

"I don't do it often anymore." I admitted with an awkward rub of my neck after sliding off of the Jackhammer.

"Where did you learn to sing?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I learned the song from my caretaker Jetfire when I was really young, but I didn't truly learn to sing from anyone, really. I um... I'm not the best at it."

"Do... do you think you can sing more often?" Wheeljack asked in a strangely sheepish way.

"Oh, um. I suppose I can when we have time." As I said this, a notification came through on the Jackhammer, and both Wheeljack and I went to go check it out.

"What is it, Y/D?" Wheeljack asked as I went over to the communications array inside the main cabin.

"It's a hailing frequency, but I don't recognize it." Wheeljack strode over to me and looked at the frequency with excitement.

"Hah! That old space barnacle is still kicking!" Wheeljack laughed. "Put it through Y/D." Slightly confused at Wheeljack's words, I complied, and we opened the frequency to another starship somewhere in deep space. On screen appeared a grizzly old mech that mildly frightened me and caused me to shrink out of view while Wheeljack was overjoyed by the sight. "Seaspray!"

"Jackie, ya crazy lad!" Seaspray said over the link. "Wha' in the name o' the depths are ya doin' out 'ere?"

"Just wandering around really, didn't think there were other Wreckers aside from Bulkhead still alive!"

"Aye, there be few o' us now. But we should meet up an' share a thing o' high grade!" Seaspray then noticed me, and I shrunk back a bit in anxiety. "Oi, who be tha' with ye Jackie?"

"That's Y/D. I picked him up outside the Andromeda system."

"Laddie, let me 'ave a look at ye." Hesitantly, I complied and awkwardly stood next to Wheeljack, Seaspray's gaze seeming to pierce through my very spark. "How'd ya meet me ol' friend Jackie?"

"He saved me from leaking out." I said, telling him of how I was kept prisoner on a decepticon freighter and how Wheeljack rescued me the entire time Seaspray listening intently.

"So Jackie be teachin' ya how ta scrap?"

"Yes, I hope to become a part of the Wreckers."

"Ya got a fightin' spark Y/D, just stick with Jackie an' ya will come out on top. And Jackie."

"Yeah?" Wheeljack said.

"Keep 'im in one piece, I wanna see what he's learned from ya when we meet up. I'll send ya the coordinates. Oh, and Y/D."

"Y-yes?" I asked with a nervous twitch of my wings.

"Keep yer head up. Seaspray out." After we received the coordinates from Seaspray Wheeljack turned to me with a curious expression.

"I think he likes you." Wheeljack said.

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"Usually, he busts a rookie's gears a bit or says something snarky, but he was gentle with you. You must have impressed him."

"I... I hope I did."
A/N bit of a life update! Updates for all stories are gonna be slower cause guess who's back in school? This loser! Anyhoodle toodles!

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