Chapter 73 - In His Embrace

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I tried with the slight explicit content. Please be kind as this is the first time I wrote something like this ;-;



Katsuki's been on edge all day today. He's been pacing throughout their home, cleaning things that are already clean, and sorting through things he's already sorted through.

The sole reason he's been on edge was because of his lover.

She was nesting.

The first time he witnessed her going through the regular motions of nesting—hoarding and piling things from all over the cabin—was entirely different from this time. She was still piling things on their bed. But there was thought behind it. Everything was something that had Katsuki's scent drenched within it. And instead of random items that belonged elsewhere from a bed, she collected only soft and supple items—blankets, towels, shirts, pillows; literally anything she could wrap herself with.

And this nesting was prickling Katsuki's senses in a way he didn't think would affect him so. He's met plenty of people at the start of their heat, witnessed just how delirious they'd become within a span of minutes. So anticipation was built as he watched Hina flitting from corner to corner of the house.

However, now, she's been staying in his- their room, her footfalls flitting quickly from one end to the other like a little squirrel running across the grass of parks.

He was waiting while he continued wiping the kitchen island counter for a third a time even when they finished dinner nearly two hours ago. He's waiting for her call, a sound so unique and true to them only he'd hear the frequency. Honestly, he didn't know what to expect since he's never heard an omega's trill before. All he was told was that he'd know what it was. What it meant.

But this wait, this incessant anticipation slowly growing in the back of his mind, was about to pop. Her scent was in the entire house, her presence so loud despite being on an entire floor from him.

Suddenly, everything went still. He knew it was coming.

Just seconds away.

Three, two, one-

A sweet tinkling noise, ethereal and soft and so so quiet he'd missed it if he wasn't standing so still, shifted in the space between them. His hair stood and goose flesh went down his spine.

This was it. She'd called for him, practically demanding for his presence.

He wanted to run—no sprint—to their room. He so wanted to.

But he needed to keep his composure, needed to stalk quietly not to frighten her. All her senses were hypersensitive, the last thing he wanted was to spook her.

So he went up the stairs practically on his toes, letting the sound of the wood creak under his weight near the door of their room to let her know he was near.

He opened the door. And a wall of her arousal hit him in the face. Her scent was potent, overwhelming his overall perception of anything really.

His inner alpha nearly took over. Nearly. It took all of Katsuki's willpower to cage the carnal being within him; the thread of his self-control was pulled taut. Like hell he'd let him take the reigns now. Not when Hina was so vulnerable. So precious.

She deserved the best of him: the gentlest of touches and the softest of praises. His inner alpha was the exact opposite with a rough disposition towards everything.

So he grit his teeth, swallowing the saliva pooling in the back of his mouth, and stepped forward into the threshold.

He still hadn't looked up to see Hina in her nest. That moment was too precious for him to rush it. He let himself absorb his surroundings through his other senses. The sound of her purrs, the scent of her, the feel of the smooth wooden floors creaking under his feet, the taste of his tea on his tongue.

𝔄𝔫 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔄𝔴𝔞𝔶 | Katsuki Bakugo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now