Chapter 10 - Don't Come Closer

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Hina was crouching into a protective ball ten feet away from his tall frame, smoke puffing from his palm.

"Please." She pleaded, fearful of the ruby-eyed alpha.

She whimpered, tears bunching up but not escaping her lashes.

"Please." she whispered.

"Don't come closer."

Two Hours Earlier

The sound of a knife chopping crisp fruits echoed in the empty home. The soft grating soothing to the ears as Hina slid the cubed apples from the cutting board into a bowl. After, she rinsed the knife and board, placing them in the black wire drying rack.

It was quarter past three, and the omega's stomach rumbled for a snack after eating nothing for three hours. So like every other day, she chose the ripest fruit in the bowl to consume for a snack.

However, unlike every other day, the front entrance had swung open before Hina could even pop a single bite in her mouth.

Bakugo had calmly stomped in the house, grumbling a quiet 'I'm home' as he jabbed the door closed, taking off his shoes hastily and shoving his keys in his pocket.

"Welcome home." She said full voiced, popping a cube in her mouth. While chewing, she lightly pushed the bowl closer to him. "Wan' one?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, dumbass." He said while pulling out a barstool with a screech, reaching out for the bowl and popped a bite in his mouth. She gave him a small frown before wiping it away and relaxing her lips into a fine line. After he swallowed his bite he spoke. "We'll go to the gym for training today."

"Okay." She took another bite, her lips twitching to smile.

She wasn't as resistant as before. To go training that is. In fact, she was excited to go explore more of her quirk. If they further train, then...

Then she could leave his gloomily gray house.

"We have to reach there in an hour, so get ready according to that." He stood up after popping one last bite in his mouth, retreating up the stairs before she could even let in a word.

Hina rolled her eyes, annoyed at his nonchalance more than usual. Most probably due to his unnecessary comment calling her out on talking with her mouth full.

Well wasn't he all sunshine and rainbows.

Bakugo entered his room, closing the door behind him. He sighed ruffling his hair.

Today he was going to push her to her limit. And it wasn't going to be pretty.


The scent of burning caramel enveloped the pair of explosive quirk holders. Hina huffed and puffed hot breaths passing through her lips, searing her throat dry.

Bakugo was relentless. He threw many explosions of different sizes and strengths, asking her to mimic them. And when she failed he asked her to do it again and again until she got it right.

The concrete pillars that were destroyed last time were erect once again. And this time she had hollowed them with a sloppy precision contrasting the alpha's.

They'd done some practices in his home in the training room whenever they couldn't make it to the gym. Mostly control exercises so her aim and her power of small explosions were more forceful and helpful compared to the little firecrackers she was restricted to in the past.

But now he was asking to do big scale attacks. That too with no rest.

Her arms were numb, her legs giving out from the pressure of releasing a succession of large explosions. She wanted to collapse from the exhaustion, just to relax her throbbing muscles and inhale the fresh evening air to replenish her heaving lungs.

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