𝟎𝟏𝟎. nichevo'ya

Start from the beginning

   "We met under different circumstances." Mischa kept her head held high as she replied.

   Vasily clicked his tongue. "Yes, I've heard some find his whole corsair act rather charming."

    Mischa parted her lips, wanting to be done with this conversation before it even started. She also didn't take to kindly on how he talked about Nikolai. "If you'll excuse me, I have —"

   Vasily stopped her from leaving when he spoke. "You must realize, no matter his aims, he will always be a second son." He paused as he smiled at her, eyebrows raised suggestively as he took in her beauty before him. "Only I can make you a queen."

   Mischa pressed her lips tightly to together to bite back her words as she mustered up a pleasant obedient young women look. "I can assure you I have no such ambition."

   "Is that so?" Vasily inquired with an amused half-smirk.

   Mischa nodded. "You've made no secret of your opinions on Grisha and Kirigan. My closest friends are Grisha, the people I call family are Grisha. I was Kirigan's right hand. Why propose an alliance with me?"

   "I stand by my previous statements. The Ravkan people are fed up of being held hostage by Grisha tyrants. Odds are some Grisha are good people. And some Ravkan's can be redeemed." He obviously referred to her friends and herself. He smirked down at her due to their height difference. "You could help me sort that out."

    Mischa fained an innocent look. "Where would you find the time? Rumor has it you find yourself quite preoccupied at Caryeva, between the horse races and the brothels."

   Her words made his step closer to her threateningly, smirk fallen. "How many true allies do you really have, Miss Romanov? Grisha scraps. Even though you were pardoned for allying with Kirigan, I imagine there are others things we can find that link you with him and the Grisha tyrants."

   Mischa narrowed her eyes on the man who just threatened her. He was trying to scare her into marrying him.

   Mischa didn't scare easily.

   Vasily chuckled softly. "You're a smart girl, consider your options." He grabbed her hand that was clutched to her torso and placed a soft kiss on the top of it. She looked away when he looked up at her, still holding her hand. "Until then."

   She watched as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. Immediately Mischa made s disgusted look as she wiped her hand on her robe to somehow get that kiss off of her skin.

   Her eyes gazed over to the golden dress with the double eagle printed on the front hanging on the top of the privacy curtain.

   That would not cut it.

   A smirk settled on her lips as she got an idea.


   Mischa admired herself in the mirror, adjusting the neck of the black dress with gold designs on her chest, waist and sleeves. It was a thin material and much easier to move around in than the golden dress on the mannequin beside her. Plus, it screamed Mischa. Gold and Black were her colors. Her makeup stayed the same and her hair was still in its intricate bun on the back of her head. Thank the saints for the Grisha fabrikators in the palace with her or else she'd be stuck in the other gown.

   Her brown irises drifted to the corner of the mirror where she caught Nikolai entering the room, also in formal attire. As she turned around and gestured to her dress with a small smile, a dazzling grin spread on his lips as he analyzed her up and down.

✓ 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱, nikolai lantsovWhere stories live. Discover now