chapter 13

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It had been two days since I left the crew. I had found temporary shelter on the first night high in a tree and a cave on the second. The sun was already setting on the third day and I had just finished hunting for food. I couldn't bring myself to kill any of the animals I came across despite the roaring in my stomach. I lucked out right before the last of my energy dwindled when I stumbled across a papaya tree. I took as many as I could carry back into the cave and started a small fire with my magic toward the back of the cave to keep warm. Gentle rain tapped against the jungle leaves outside of the cave, the sounds of the life in the forest swirling around me.

I would have to figure out a plan soon to get to the human lands. I couldn't live like this forever, especially not with my inability to kill any of the small animals I stumbled upon. Why it was so easy for me to kill men and fae but not animals was beyond me.

In my spare time, when boredom wasn't getting the best of me, I carved little figurines out of wood and drew pictures on the cave walls. I found myself drawing the flowers I used to lay in back in the fields of the Kingdom of Faerie when I visited the prince. I also drew the Sea Barbarian as best as I could recall it. I fell asleep that night in a ball on the cave floor with nothing but the sound of fire crackling and rainwater dribbling against leaves.


There was something in the cave with me. I could smell it as well as hear it. The smell was catlike and the animal sounded large as it padded around on sharp claws. One hand clenched the dagger at my side and the other was frosted with a coat of ice ready to spear out of my skin. I froze as the majestic beast peered around the corner. Blue cat eyes were glowing in the darkness as a large black panther swaggered its way into my view. It was dragging a deer in its maw, blood dripping from its sharp teeth that were not buried in the neck of the dead deer. The panther dropped the deer in front of me and nudged it with its nose. My stomach growled at the sight, my hands trembling with uncertainty.

The panther did not look like it was looking to strike. It seemed to be at peace with cohabiting this small space. I still was on edge as I stepped forward hesitantly. The panther seemed to understand my doubt and bowed its head before sliding to the floor and resting its large head on its dark paws.

I tilted my head and allowed my hand to leave my knife. Was this cat helping me? I couldn't believe it. As I stepped forward, I held out my hand a few feet from its nose... and its mouth.

The black panther slowly lifted its head, its whiskers twitching with its nose as it sniffed. I took in its muscular build and smooth fur.

"Beautiful," I whispered as my hand gently reached for its head.

The panther inclined its head for me and parted its ears. The black fur was soft and silky under my fingers as I gave the cat a few scratches. A small purr rumbled from the gentle giant and it leaned into my touch slightly. I retracted my hand and examined the deer, allowing my attention to remove from the cat for the first time. Something in my bones told me that it would not hurt me.

I skinned, carved, and cooked the deer in small chunks over the fire. Every other piece I cooked, I tossed to the panther. It ate with me in silence, blocking the exit to the cave.

"Thank you... for the deer," I tried to convey my gratitude to the animal for the fullness in my once hollow stomach.

The sharp cat eyes only looked at me with a vague regard. I bit my tongue for a moment, fighting the urge to speak any further in attempts to salvage whatever was left of my sanity. I was talking to a black panther in the middle of the jungle.

My stomach flashed with a dull ache and I groaned as I shoved myself to my feet, my hand pressing firmly against my abdomen. Cursing under my breath, I sighed with defeat. The familiar trickle of warmth formed between my legs and my stomach clenched with cramps. My cheeks heated as I rubbed the throbbing with my palm and winced as my hands grazed over what was left of the injuries of my fight with Death Bringer. Most of the surface level cuts had vanished, including my black eye, but there was still a few internal wounds that hadn't entirely patched themselves together yet. Right on time to align with my period. Fae got them less than humans, but when our cycle came, it was brutal. Mine occurred every three months and lasted only a few days, but it felt like getting repeatedly shanked in the stomach.

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