chapter 7

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It had taken an unbearable amount of booze and an even more unbearable amount of hiking before we finally reached a good scouting point. We watched for hours, occasionally patrolling to other lookout points as we memorized the ins and outs of the enemy ship. Death Bringer and I did little talking, it was a rather quiet endeavor. After what felt like days of sitting, waiting, and watching, I finally cracked.

"Either we kill them all and get it done with or I am going to seduce my way onto that ship. We have been here for too long. I haven't spoken since the sun set and rose! An entire night has passed!" I growled as birds chirped in the distance and I narrowed my eyes at the rising sun.

Death Bringer eyed me with annoyance, "Do your worst then since you are some expert. The captain is gone and I heard whatever he is doing would take a few hours. Get in and get out."

I didn't allow him to change his mind before hopping down from the small ledge we had been watching from and tucked myself into the thicket of trees before emerging in the path we had been eyeing for far too long. I focused my powers on glamouring my fae ears into human ones. Putting on my best show, I also did my best to appear hungry and shaken up. It didn't take much effort. A scouting pirate took notice of me in an instant. I scanned the area as he approached, tallying the amount of pirates on or around the ship. Three on the ground including the one currently making his way to me and four had to still be on the ship. Seven total; I would be going into risky territory but I couldn't bear another hour in silence with nobody but Death Bringer by my side.

"Aye, lady. Ye look disturbed!" The tall, staggering pirate flashed me a wolf's grin.

I tried my best to muster a meek smile, "Hello. You wouldn't happen to have something to eat on you?"

The pirate bristled, his belt of weapons clanking together as he reached me. I could smell him in an instant, sweat and grime coating him.

"You travel alone, lassie?" He looked over my shoulder into the woods.

I nodded, trying to appear helpless. "I am lost and hungry. Is there anything I could do for a nice meal?"

The pirate put his arm around me and it took everything not to cringe as he forcefully guided me toward the ship. I casually glanced over my shoulder to make sure Death Bringer was still scouting from our lookout point. In his place sat a crow with its head tilted. Returning my eyes forward, I followed the pirate onto the deck and then the ship. He guided me into a private area as we passed two more crew members on board.

I casually glanced around, scoping out every weapon and exit point should things take a turn. My eyes briefly flitted to a table with various maps laid about, trying to get a better look while remaining inconspicuous. The pirate intercepted my field of vision, handing me a plate of unidentifiable meat. I shuttered but sniffed before playing with it as if I were going to take a bite. He sat in front of me, clearly to block my sight. I shifted uneasily and sat the plate to the side before unbuttoning the top of my dress. His eyes flared open wildly before glancing over his shoulder.

"It has been a long journey, you see. I could use other... entertainment as well," I forced the words out of my mouth like bile. I could do this. I could seduce him without letting it go too far. I could steal the maps. One of them had to be it.

"Aye, lady. Allow me to give us some privacy, yes?" He sauntered over and kicked the door shut. I jumped when the locks clicked into place.

He took a seat at the table, his legs spread wide. I allowed a few more buttons to loosen open as I carried my body over to him, soaking in the role of a female in heat. A woman in need of her fix. I pretended to run my eyes over his body before climbing onto his lap. He did not notice when I retrieved my daggers from the strap around my thigh and peaked over his shoulder, hovering my body a few inches from where I knew he desired most. He tilted his head to the side with a groan, exposing his neck. It didn't make a difference to me, as my dagger was already angled at his abdomen as I peeked over his shoulder at the maps spread about. Just as he grabbed my hips and I prepared to slip the knife into his skin, there was a small thump up above. I tuned in my hearing to what it was as the pirate shifted uneasily.

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