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She woke up with a start. She tried to get up, but stiff arms were wrapped around her, and her back was pressed against something in such a way it reminded Rosetta of a shield. No, not a shield. It reminded her of hours she had spent in her basement during the attacks, having nightmare upon nightmare, when there was only one person who comforted her enough to give in to sleep. Carlos.

She couldn't shake the look he kept giving her the day before, where his confidence had been stripped away. Helplessness, she realised. That he could have done nothing to prevent the wounds that she had acquired, the horrid news she had been told.

She tried wriggle out of his hold, but in response his hands tightened gently. She didn't even know that someone could tighten their grip gently.

"Stay," he whispered in her ear.

So she did. She stayed. She thought about the dream she had had, about Carlos's sudden change in character, when he had asked her to the Madrid Fundraiser Ball. But she didn't need any dream to remind what had happened.

She closed her eyes with a sigh, and thought back to the day of the ball.

Rosetta stared at herself in the mirror. Mama had given her a sleek braid crown, with little rose hairpins scattered around it. She smiled.

"I knew you would like it!" Her mother squealed.

"It is quite nice," she admitted.

"Now, how do I look?" Mama asked.

"Look in the mirror, Mama."

Mama looked momentarily worried, before saying, "Never mind," and taking Rosetta's hand. She lifted her up from her seat, avoiding the mirror's gaze.

Rosetta's dress was a light peach, slightly more tanned than her skin tone. Though the corset was tight, the rest of the dress billowed around her when she walked. Her hands had silver gloves that went up to her elbows, concealing her recent scratches from a brawl with Pedro, the newsagent's son.

It was beautiful and, surprisingly, suited her.

When they arrived, Rosetta was startled to see Carlos leaning on one of the large pillars of the hall. She had never come to the ball before, and she didn't know what she was walking into.

She stepped out of the hover and walked over to him. He was wearing a cream white suit with a grey tie. He looked noticeably handsome, but not to her. To every other girl attending.

"You look nice," she said when she was in earshot.

"As do you, Rosetta," he said, picking up her gloves hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. She jerked her hand away.

"Carlos, you don't need to do that. We're friends," she whispered.

He held his elbow out towards her. "Not now you aren't. Tonight, you are my date to the ball."

She sheepishly hooked their elbows together and let him take her inside the hall.

The hall was nothing like she would have imagined. The walls were laced with alternating red and yellow ribbons and bows. The tables and chairs with placards for each family were near the walls, giving space for people to dance in the center. And a lot of people were dancing.

RosettaWhere stories live. Discover now