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"And, done!"

Cinder opened her eyes and stared into the mirror. Iko had done a simple braid that she had twisted into a bun, just like she had done with Cress. She stood up and looked at herself. Her dress was a pale purple that trailed behind her every step. Iko had chosen it for her, knowing that she would much rather wear her shirt and jeans. Even though she knew that it didn't suit her, it was quite pretty. She stared at her reflection. The red rings were still there. She adjusted her glamour to fix them, but after doing it for so long, it was becoming very draining. In the mirror, the rings were still there.

"Oh no, Cinder. Not today."

Her chair spun round, and suddenly, something was batting at her eyes. She swatted her hands, but Iko said, "Trust me, Cinder. It's better like this."

When she was done, she looked in the mirror again. Iko had applied a thin layer of makeup to conceal her marks. It was better like this. Now, she could focus on her cousin's wedding.

"How did you even know I was gonna use my glamour? You're an android!"

Iko held a hand to her heart. "Thanks for the reminder. I mean, have you even seen the food boxes next to the archway? They look amazing! Anyway, you stare into space like a charging portscreen when your going to use your lunar gift thingy. Cinder, you need to go! You only have 6 more minutes"

"Thingy?" Cinder asked, moving to the door. "That's some specific terminology, Iko." She went out the door and into the corridor.

Cinder was struggling to walk in the dress, but she held it above her ankles and walked on. When she approached the door to the gardens, she saw Kai from the corner of her eye, Winter's arm locked in his. She was wearing the stunning dress from yesterday, which clashed with his navy suit.

"You'll be great Winter," he said reassuringly.

"Thank you, Kai. But I'm scared I'll-"

"I won't let you fall," he interrupted. His gaze darted to hers for a quick second before she walked out. She was grateful for Kai's comfort and way of words, knowing that it had helped her countless times. She saw Scarlet in a light blue dress, with her hair in a bun more elaborate than hers. She was standing next the dais where Winter would stand.She also spotted Cress in her navy stars and moon dress, with a crescent pendant hanging from her neck. Cress greeted her with a hug.

"Stars, you look amazing Cinder!" She squealed.

"Thanks," she replied awkwardly. "That dress suits you well. Who got you that pendant?"

"Thorne got it. He's been acting strange lately though. And Madrid was, well, interesting."

Before she could ask why, Cress pulled Cinder next to the dais and pointed up at it. Jacin was standing there, hair combed back neatly and wearing a teal green suit. He looked smart, but more than that, he looked scared. A former royal guard, who had dealt the wrath of Levana, looked scared.

But that wasn't what had caught her attention. Little Juliette was walking down the aisle, a basket in hand, throwing rose petals onto the carpet. She was in a puffed white dress, with her dark red curls pinned with butterfly clips. Her bright green eyes glistened in the sun, and she waved at everyone in a welcoming manner. And behind her followed the bride, shaking next to Kai.

Winter looked beautiful; her long hair was tucked behind a bronze headband and her dress trailed behind her with perfection. She looked like perfection. When they finally reached the dais, Kai gave her a sly grin and went to stand with Wolf, who was telling Juliette to stand by Scarlet. She ran over and stood in front of her mother. Jacin stared at Winter and let out a deep breath, before placing her hands in his. Thorne, also in a teal suit, gave a low whistle, followed by a grunt, though she wasn't sure who had kicked him.

The officiant stepped behind the perch and settled his papers onto the stand. He was wearing a smart suit, but it was clear that time had not treated him well. He looked as if he had aged a great deal in the past years, but she wasn't sure why. All they knew about him was that he was Mr. Bents and that he had stepped up to the job.

He cleared his throat and began.

"Good day friends, peers and family of the couple." Cinder scanned the chairs. There was Mr and Mrs Clay, who were clutching handkerchiefs in their laps, and few servants and maids that had known Winter from Luna. She was surprised to see Kinney there as well, which made her remember the ruby necklace, which was now on Winter's neck.

"Now," he continued, with his frail voice. "I've been told to keep this short, so that this couple can be married as fast as can be." Chuckles arose from the audience. "And I actually think that's rather fitting. You see, when I was offered the job I looked through their past- what a tragic past it's been- and when I saw how they persevered, well, there really are no words for love that true. Jacin and Winter have shown their love through their battles and self sacrifices. Furthermore, not only have they both sacrificed for each other, but also for the good of both Luna and Earth, along with their fellow friends' guidance."

He cleared his throat yet again. "Now, Sir Clay, you must repeat after me." Mr Bents recited the vows, which Jacin repeated.

"I, Sir Jacin Clay, do take Winter Hayle Blackburn to be my wife, companion and princess. This she shall be until death."

Wolf stepped forwards with the rings on a red velvet cushion and Jacin slipped the large magenta pendant ring onto her slim finger.

Mr Bents then told Winter her vows, which she repeated with more confidence than she had shown.

"I, Winter Hayle Blackburn, do take Sir Jacin Clay to be my husband, companion and guard. This he shall be until death."

Wolf, still standing there, lifted the cushion to Winter who took the silver ring and carefully twisted it onto Jacin's finger. Despite her being far away, Cinder could still see that the ring was engraved with the word 'Guard', and when she looked at Winter's, she spied the word 'Princess' on the gold lining of the pendant.

More violently than before, Mr Bents cleared his throat and said, "I pronounce you husband and wife! You may-"

Before he could finish, Jacin swooped down and kissed her. Cheers arose from the seats, and service androids came out from the palace doors with plates of food. Everyone took seats and began to eat, and tall glasses of champagne were being handed to all the guests.

Kai came to her from all the ruckus and kissed her cheek. "You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think I am," she replied, smiling giddily. "I have also realised that Jacin is my cousin. By law. But no doubt Thorne will bring it up."

"I'm glad your happy. It's nice to see a smile on your face."

"Your Imperial Majesty," she said with a bow. "How I wish I could blush."

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