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She fell into Carlos' arms and began to cry.

"GONE!" She shouted. "I TOLD YOU!"

"It says to follow. If we hurry, we can make it."

"What do you mean?" She asked, her tears having subsided.

"I saw a podship outside. It might have you're mother inside," He reassured.

"Do you think they were waiting?" She asked.
He shook his head rapidly, but stopped when he saw her leave.


She ran outside to see that there was indeed a podship. A woman cackled from inside it.

"You want her? Awww, you want your mommy? Come and get her!" Screamed the woman.

Rosetta ran back inside the house. She ran up to her room and looked at her dressing table. Her gun lay there, waiting for her. Beside it lay three full magazines. She shoved two in her pocket and loaded one. She ran back down, leaving her burst bandages let the blood trickle down her leg and onto the floor. Carlos was waiting outside. He saw her gun.

"No. No, Rosetta. We don't know why she's taken her. We don't know what she wants. She's gonna kill us!"

"Me. She's gonna kill me. And she's gonna have to try really fricking hard to."

She could see him think about her words.
She saw his distraught face as she ran onto the podship. She blocked out his shouts of disagree. Once she was on the pod, she screamed, " I'M SORRY!" before closing the hanger doors.

She heard the calling voice once again.
"Little-Ickle girlie wants her mommy? But your mommy was a BAD GIRL. VERY BAD GIRL INDEED!"

"WHO ARE YOU?" She called, pointing her gun aimlessly around the podship. She could see the pilot's seat unoccupied and muffling coming from the cupboard. But she didn't dare open it. Suddenly, a woman came out from behind.

"Hello my Rosetty. I've been waiting a long time to meet you."

She turned around to see a tall, slender woman with sleek blonde hair that fell to her waist. She was wearing a green shirt and blue jeans, with a long deep gnash on her hand.

"Yes, I see you've noticed my ouchie. No no- don't cower away. I won't hurt you." She said camly, putting her hands up in defence.
"Put your gun away, and we can talk. Oh my sweet Rosetty-etty, I won't hurt you. Yes, that's it- in your pocket."

She sat in the pilot's seat and gestured for her to sit next to her. Rosetta cautiously lowered herself into the seat.
"Ship, take off." She called. The pod rose off the land and slowly made its ascent to space.

The woman looked at her with a grin so perfectly smug that it horrified her.

"Introductions! Well, my name is Esmerelda Mira."

She thought about her name. No, she couldn't be. Most thaumaturges didn't have family.

"Yes, my poor deceased sister, Sybil, suffered a terrible fate years back. But you shall help me!"

"You're Lunar." She whispered, wrapping her hidden hand around her gun.

"Very good! Well, would you like to know why you are here?"

"Why my mother is here." She corrected

She ignored her."Well, years ago, you mother and I were best friends in Luna. I shall explain more when needed. Now, would you like to rest? We have a long journey, my ickle Rosetty!"

Too perfectly to be done by her own accord, Rosetta laid her head back on the co-pilot's seat, and closed her eyes.


Rosetta eased up against the bed board. Esmerelda was peering over her.

"My ickle Rosetty is awake!" She sang.

Rosetta took in her surroundings. She was in a large room, covered in old tapestry that draped to the floor. The tapestry displayed the rule Levana, showing that for honest work you were rewarded, and traitorous you were not. The room was lit by two orbs hanging on either side, and aside from the bed and stool, was void of anything else.
She shrugged off the covers and sat on the edge. Esmerelda sat next to her, bouncing with energy.

"Where...where are we?" She asked blearily.

"On Luna, of course! Why, you didn't think you'd be in prison?"

"Actually, I expected to be dead," she admitted.

"I could never kill you, my dearie! Why, my Rosetty, you're just in time for lunch!"

She grimaced at the nickname, but allowed her to lead her down a long corridor. It was lit with the same bright orbs, draped with the same tapestry. She opened a pair of thin doors to a simple dining room. There was a small timber table laid with plates of small sandwiches. There were only 5 seats. And in one of them, was her mother.

Her mother was dressed in the same clothes she'd sen her in last: red long blouse and wide-legged trousers. She was sitting at the table, her arms tied behind the chair, and her mouth taped over.

Rosetta was by her side in a second, but when she tried to take the tape off, she instead seated herself in the next chair. She had forgotten Esmerelda was there. She glowered at her, also giving her the first real glance since she'd woke up. Her long hair was plaited neatly, and she was wearing a long white jacket with a blue top underneath. She was also wearing a grey skirt that fell above her ankles. She was giving Rosetta her worst grin yet.

"Sorry that you had to see her like this," she drawled, taking a seat for herself. "It's just that she wasn't saying very nice things about me, and I didn't want her to panic you. Especially with that horrid wound on your leg." This time, Rosetta noticed, there was no mockery in her voice, but pure concern. She looked at her damaged leg to see that it had been securely wrapped, and no longer hurt.

"I assumed the worst," she continued. "But I knew your mother wouldn't hurt you. After all, you are what got us in this mess."
Before she could argue, she spoke again. "Nat, you can eat now."

Halfway through her sandwich, Rosetta chocked. "Nat? Who's Nat?" She asked.

Esmerelda sat up in disgust. "You didn't tell her!" Her fury was clear in her eyes, a fire that couldn't be extinguished.

"Your mother's name is Natasha Parks. Surely you knew that much at least?"

"Parks?" She said, shaking her head. "You mean, like Amiery Parks?"

"Yes! Oh, sorry dearest. You see, he passed during the revolution." Looking at her mother, she said, "Your poor daughter. Though she's not even that, is she?"

She looked Rosetta dead in the eyes.
"Rosetta," the first time she'd said her name properly, and with so much gravity it scared her. "Today you learn that the truth hurts. And hurts bad."

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