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"Oh, Winter, how you've grown!" Mrs Clay exclaimed, putting her hands on either side of Winter's face.

"Mom, don't smother her," Jacin said from behind her. He showed his face and kissed her forehead. "How was the trip here?" He asked.

"Ask me boring questions later, Jacin. Let me see Winter!" She pushed him aside to see her again. She put her hands on her sides, padding her down, until her hands went to the scars on her face.

"You never mentioned this in your letters, Jacin," she said softly, tracing each line down. Mrs Clay looked at Winter. Winter looked at her. She was wearing a plain shirt and black joggers, and her already light hair was beginning to turn grey. Not with age; with worry. Other than that, she was exactly how she remembered her. Warm and welcoming. Although, she wasn't quite so warm now, in the autumn breeze of New Beijing palace.

"Where is Mr Clay?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, Garrison said that the Emperor was showing him where we were staying. You'll see him soon."

"Mom, can I take Winter? I want to show her something," Jacin asked.

She gave and nod, and Jacin held her hand out to her. She took it and he led her further into the palace gardens.

When they were a few paces away, they heard Mrs Clay squeal, "My son is getting married!" making them both laugh.

"Are you prepared for tomorrow?" He asked.

"For what?" She said, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Our wedding?"

"Sir Clay, I am always ready for you." She leaned onto his shoulder. They walked for a while until Winter remembered something.

"Oh, Jacin," she said.

"Yes?" He replied abruptly, startled by the break in the silence.

"I found something the other day, a diary of sorts. I think it was my mothers. She wrote about her wedding day, and she said that there was a tradition in her family."

"What tradition?" He asked.

"It's a very old one. I think she said it dated back until before the First World War struck!"

"That is very old. Amazing how you could not forget it. I know I probably would."

"Yes, well the tradition was that the bride is given flowers, and she will turn her back and throw them. However catches them keeps them. I think it was for good luck. But I wanted to do something different."

"Different how?"

"Jacin, you chose Thorne to be your best man. Something else is happening, isn't it?"

She watched as he tried to loosen his collar, a definite sign of secrecy.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed.

"There really is no fooling you, is there?"

"Not a chance. Well, here's what I wanted to do..."


As Winter explained her idea, they kept walking until she saw something that cut her breaths short.

"Jacin-" she started, but she didn't know how to finish.

She looked at the palace gardens. There was an archway covered in blood red roses, entwined in every piece of wire that held it up. In fact, she couldn't even see the wire anymore. Below it stood the dais, with a perch for the officiant to place their papers. Leading from it was the pathway, covered with a white carpet and lined with the same petals. However, the first thing that fought her eyes was not the chairs covered in cream fabric, not the elegant boxes in either side that would be containing food, but the sign hanging from the archway that said, "The Princess and the Guard"

"Oh Jacin.." she started again.

" I knew you'd love it. Personally, I think Thorne went a bit over the top but-"

"It's beautiful" she whispered. She turned to face him and put her head on his chest. "Jacin, we are getting married! I can hardly believe it!"

He twisted her ring and she lifted her head.
"Do you need a reminder?" He asked.

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the ring. "There."

"Sir Clay, I think that there's something I need to tell you. I haven't told you this before."

Jacin looked alarmed. "What? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? Oh Winter, if someone-"

"I'm not hurt Jacin, I just need to tell you... a secret." She leaned towards his ear and whispered, "I love you, Jacin Clay, and so long as I live that will never change."

She felt him release a breath. He cowered his head to her ear and said, "I love you too, Winter Hayle Blackburn and soon-to-be-Clay, and so long as I live that will never change"

She put her arms around his neck and hugged him. He put his hands in her hair and hugged him back, playing with a low curl that had fallen out of the braid Iko had done.

"I think you need another reminder," he said after a while of standing.

He cupped her face in her hands, and kissed her.


"Oh. My. Stars. Winter, your dress!" Iko squealed as she set the hanger on the wardrobe.

It was a long dress that flowed to the floor, even with a trail left behind it. At the laced bottom, it started with a cream white that matched the carpet in the gardens. As it travelled up, it slowly began turning a dark scarlet; the colour of blood. At the waist, there was a sparkling bronze ribbon in contrast, and the corset half was the same cream white.

"I'm impressed," Cinder said, leaning on the door frame. "It's gonna look great on you Winter."

Winter had realised that cousin had not been well lately; there were red rings under her eyes and her voice cracked suddenly. When they tried to ask Kai, he said not to bother or pester her.

Cress came into the room with a blue velvet box. "Wolf told me that the rings have been given to him and are ready for tomorrow. And here," she placed the box into the dressing table. "Is the necklace that was packed."

Winter was confused. "I didn't pack any jewellery. I don't even own any."

"Open the box and see," Cinder urged. Cress carefully lifted the lid and picked up a small note.

She chucked and handed it to Cinder, who grinned and gave it to Iko, who said, "That sneaky snake! To my dearest Winter, congratulations on your wedding and I hope you live a happy life with Sir Clay, from Liam Kinney, Guard. What type of creep gives jewels to the bride?"

"One that means well," Winter cleared. Cress raised the necklace to reveal a large ruby dangling from it.

"Stars," she said. "Ruby is rare to find in regolith. It will have been quite expensive."

"Well, that's what a creep gets," Iko snapped, before starting to laugh. It wasn't long before they were all laughing, though Winter knew she couldn't be completely at ease. After all, it was the night before her wedding.

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