Tae had been a little irritated at first, but then he remembered how tired Jungkook had looked and let him sleep. He looked down at him, his face relaxed in sleep was so boyish and innocent that it made him want to pinch his cheeks.

Or maybe kiss him?

Where the hell had that come from????

His cheeks flamed as he struggled to get a handle on his thoughts.

"Is he still asleep?" Jimin whispered softly. He had stopped by their seat on the way back from the washroom.

Tae gave him a nod.

"He looks so cute curled up like that. Peaceful." Jimin said, softly brushing away a stray lock of hair from Jungkook's face.

For some reason, Tae didn't like it. He didn't want to examine the why too deeply though.

Jimin waved at the crew and a hostess came up to him.

"Can I get a blanket for my friend here, please?" Jimin asked sweetly.

Why hadn't he thought of that?

The hostess smiled at him and quickly brought one to him.

He thanked her and placed the blanket lightly around Jungkook. "Rest well Kookie bun. You have a long weekend ahead of you." He gazed lovingly at him again and walked back to his seat.

Taehyung swallowed.

He knew there was a knot in his chest that refused to let up. He didn't know if it was because of Jimin or the lump that was snuggled into his side.

He wasn't sure he wanted to know.

After another thirty minutes, Taehyung had started to get antsy and bored. He felt a little tickle on his other arm and turned it to check. There was a little spider climbing up his arm.

Tae let out a little yelp and hastily brushed it off with his other arm. Jungkook, who was violently jostled out of his slumber, blinked questioningly at him.

"Sorry. There was a spider." Tae explained guiltily. A part of him was glad Jungkook had woken up though.

"So?" Jungkook asked, sleepily rubbing his right eye with his finger like a child.

"If a spider bites me it will make me spiderman." Taehyung giggled stupidly at his own joke. Oh God! Sleepy Jungkook was so cute, it was making him feel flustered and spout nonsense.

Jungkook stared at him for a moment and then his face cleared of all innocence as his eyes glinted with mischief.

"Will you bite me and make me your man?" Jungkook asked rubbing his shoulder against Tae's.

Tae bit down on both his lips. Hard. He looked out of the window and concentrated on keeping his breathing even. It was a close call. His nostrils flared as he took a big breath to calm himself quicker.

"I'm bored." Jungkook whined after a few minutes.

Such a child.

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