Loss of Control

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Let's get back to it.








"You can't ignore me forever," Fubuki called out as she buried her head in one of his food storages.

Kohaku stood in the mess area of his ship, looking through one of the kitchen serving windows with his arms crossed, glaring at the human who ransacked his food supplies.

"Don't you have anything fresh? All I see is canned food." 

"I wasn't expecting company... or a crew."

Fubuki peers around the corner and looks at him with surprise, "It speaks?!"

Kohaku growls, biting his tongue, 'It?!'

"Do Kansen even need to eat?" Fubuki asks, more to herself than him. Unconcerned with the fuming Kitsune glaring at her.

Kohaku was kicking himself inwardly as the human talked to herself. He should be the one with the witty comebacks! Ignoring her only seems to make her stronger. Sooo maybe ignoring her isn't the answer; perhaps mounting or Killing her is. That's the question of the day.

"Where's your can opener?"

'Overboard, in the deep abyss,' Kohaku wanted to retort, but with a groan, he silently pointed to the other side of the large mess kitchen in defeat. He wasn't going to deny her food. She was a Human, after all.

Fubuki smiled at him and winked, walking around the kitchen with a can of food in her hands. He didn't miss the subtle sway she put in her hips.

She needs to stop...

Kohaku's eyes followed every movement she made: walking with sway, searching, bending over in his direction, opening the can and eating the contents with a low hum/moan.

"Your tails are swaying quite fast over there. Does watching me eat do special things to you or something?"

The human in question was looking at him with half-closed eyes and slowly ate the contents of the canned food. "Mmmmm..."

Kohaku's gaze got even more intense at her teasing. This was a dangerous game she was playing.

She needs to stop!

*Moan* "Sooo good!" Fubuki fake moaned and licked off the fork in her hand.

Watching the sight... He... He couldn't take it anymore!

The Kitsune's mind shut down. His eyes closed tight, his head hung low and deeply inhaled and exhaled.

"I-I tried... I-I... Ru..."

"Kohaku?" Fubuki stopped teasing him at his strange behaviour. She looked at him in concern.

"R... Run...!" Kohaku's body tensed, and he looked back up at her. All intelligence in his eyes was gone and replaced with a cold and feral nature.

"W-what? Kohaku?"

Fubuki watched Kohaku's long, sharp nails dig into the steel beneath his hands, slicing through the metal like butter as he climbed over the kitchen window into the kitchen itself.

His feral eyes never left her form.

"Kohaku? Stop this right now! You're scaring me!" Fubuki yelled and backed away when he entered the kitchen fully.

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