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They were only five years old...

Five. Years. Old.

How did life go so wrong so fast?

Quinn has been asking themself that question for a long time now. But they never can figure out an answer.

Being at home was scary, Quinn never knew what might happen next.

Their mother was an alcoholic and abusive. It wasn't all bad though, life had been good, at least, up until Quinn was four.

That's when things became bad. Their mom began abusing them.

It started out as phycological, then verbal, and after a few months, it became physical.

Quinn wished their dad was there to save them from their mother, but of course, he was nowhere to be seen.

Quinn's mom had told them that their father had abandoned the two of them and that it was all Quinn's fault.

Their mother also said that if they had never been born then Quinn's dad wouldn't have left her.

The Hansley's apartment was small, with only two bedrooms, a single bathroom, a tiny kitchen, and living room.

There was a small table that sat two to three people in a corner for the two to eat at, a small sofa and chair with a small coffee table, and an old, and quite small television.

There wasn't many windows either, making the small living space quite dark at all times.

The two occupants of the apartment did not like eachother at all. The two tried to steer clear of the other at all times.

Well, mainly Quinn, who was always trying to avoid their mother's wrath.

Because of this, Quinn did pretty much everything on their own. They made the food, cleaned the house, did the laundry, washed the dishes, and all those other housekeeping jobs because if Quinn didn't do them, their mother certainly wouldn't.

After six months of putting up with the abuse and forced independence, Quinn decided that they had to leave soon, if they wished to leave at all...

Quinn waited until their mother was completely passed out, due to the fact that she had become black-out drunk that evening, before packing a backpack full of thing they would need to survive.

Quinn grabbed spare clothes for the summer weather, and the freezing winter, basic toiletries, non-perishable foods, reusable water bottles, and a fair amount of cash.

They made their way to the window that lead to the fire escape, before stopping in their tracks.

Quinn realized they had no way to defend themself, so they turned back and grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

They made sure the knife guard was secured properly before stuffing it in their jacket pocket.

Quinn went back to the window, unlocking it and pushing it open. But they paused, the sudden thought of their mother crossed Quinn's mind.

What would she do without them? Quinn did everything for their mom, so if they left what would happen to her?

Quinn decided they would leave a note for their mother, apologizing for leaving, and left the apartment, not turning back once as they descended the stairs of the fire escape.


Quinn learned fairly quickly that living on your own at such a young age is a lot more dangerous than they originally thought.

One time, a man had grabbed Quinn and tried to drag them somewhere, but Quinn was fast, they grabbed their knife from their pocket, using one finger to slide off the guard, and slashed the man's arm.

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