We didn't make our way to the cafeteria, instead we were heading towards the exit. I'm confused, I still have classes. "Why are we leaving I still have—"

"Shut up."

Alright there's only so much I can take. When we got closer to his car, I freed my arm and pushed him against it.

"What the fuck?!?"

"That's my line, Dom!" I yelled frustrated. Luckily there was no one in the parking lot since everybody had classes or lunch at this time. "You're mad at me for what?! For speaking to a boy?!?"

"You knew the rules and you ignored them!"

"No because fuck you Dom!" I told him. His mouth fell a little open. I never disrespected him like this before (since I found out he's my brother anyway) but I am so mad. I didn't have much of a privacy before but now I have none because of him. "I followed your stupid rules! I don't sit with my friends when they hang out with boys! I have no friends who are boys! I get good grades! I don't skip class! I do everything you tell me to do! And because some asshole you know saw me talking to a boy you start treating me like shit?"

"Stop cussing." He glared. But his tone was a tad softer than it was, still very harsh and angry but calmer nonetheless. "You were with Allard. I know his brother and he is a guy I never want you to cross paths with, I'm sure Adrien isn't too different than him. And even if it wasn't Adrien, I don't want you speaking to boys ever!"

"Why? What is it with you and me talking to boys?!? I don't get it!"

"Because you're so innocent, Morana. Guys will take advantage of you, they will hurt you but I won't let them do that if I stop you from engaging with them altogether."

"I'm not that innocent. Some might even say I'm not innocent at all. I killed over a thousand people, Dom! That's as evil as it gets!"

"Not talking about that! Morana, you think condoms are fucking alcoholic candies."

"They are not?" Can someone for the love of god tell me what condoms actually are? Because I'm tired.

"Exactly." He chuckled, his tone much softer now.

"Why don't you explain it to me then?"

"Because..." He took out a cigarette, placed it between his lips, and lit it. Chuckling again, he blew the smoke away from me, pushing me aside. "I don't even fucking know. I guess... I guess it's because I'm fucking scared, Morana."

"Scared?" I questioned confused.

"Yeah, because we missed out on watching you grow up, so seeing you innocent is like holding onto the one part where you're not growing up just yet, and the prospect of you growing up scares the hell out of me for some fucked up reason." He let out a chuckle as if he can't believe he's uttering those words and honestly neither can I. "I just can't help but think, what if... we raised you, we protected you from all of this, you'd be safe and carefree. Our mother was a fucking bitch."

"That, she was." I muttered taken aback by his confession. I never saw it that way. "But you know, if you had raised me, I wouldn't be who I am today, I thought you liked me as I am." I was teasing him.

"I don't wish for you to be different, I just wonder what if..."

"I get it." I nodded. "Dom, boys are not my thing. I'm really not into dating at all. I don't even understand it to be honest."

MoranaWhere stories live. Discover now