After an hour and a half journey to the casting venue, they arrived at the casting venue and it turned out that there were lots of actors casting just for today. Even though he is a senior actor because he has been working since he was 10 years old, he is still an actor who is polite because his mother always says that. "Now, just wait until your name gets called, I have to go to the casting director's assistant to inform you okay, sit there and relax" said Chris while he walked to the casting room. Stefan sits there with a lot of young actors and some new face actors that he can't recognize. He takes a deep breath, Stefan is still nervous to get a casting call like this, all of his trauma in the past just making him feel nervous also starts controlling his own breath, then he takes a deep breath and exhales, now he feels more calm. He heard someone call his name and when he looked to his left, his best friend, Robert, was there too. 

"Oh, our casanova is here, what role did they offer to you?" ask Robert, 

"I have no idea, Rob. They said I should just come to this audition, just that." 

As he answered Robert's question, the casting director assistant called Stefan name and Robert tapped Stefan on the shoulder "good luck man, I hope for the best'' and Stefan answered it "thanks Rob, and don't go home first, let's eat lunch together" then Stefan went to the audition room. Chris meets with Robert and Robert's manager there, all of them waiting for Stefan to finish his audition. About an hour passed, Stefan came out of the audition room while looking for his manager, several actors recognized Stefan and several actors greeted Stefan, but because Stefan was an awkward person he only nodded his head to greet several actors who greeted him. Stefan meets with his manager, Robert and Robert's manager, Alex in front of the building. 

"How's your audition man? I can't tell by your flat face there" says Robert with chuckles and he put his arm around Stefan and patted Stefan's shoulder. 

"It was alright, I did what the casting director told me to do for the role", says Stefan then Alex asks Stefan about lunch "so where shall we have lunch? Any recommendations here? Chris or Stefan?" while thinking, Chris suddenly tapped Alex on the shoulder and said 

"how about we eat at a restaurant near Stefan's new apartment, maybe an hour from here, but the food is very good, like home food" then Alex answer that 

"great idea there, you lead the way Chris" Alex and Robert go to their car, Chris got into his car while starting his car engine and Stefan open the door and get inside Chris's car then Chris drove off followed by Robert's car behind them.

After an hour's drive, they arrived at the restaurant that Chris usually ate when picking Stefan up from his apartment. The sound of the bell at the restaurant door rang as they entered the restaurant. They were greeted by the restaurant's waiter and the restaurant has a feel of a home restaurant like in France. 

"Welcome, for how many people?" asked the waiter, 

"for four people please, also can we sit not close to the window?" says Chris to the waiter. 

"Okay sir, this way" the waiter showed the way to their seats while carrying a menu book. They sat in the middle of the room with a homely feel in France. The waiter also gave the menu book for the four of them and started taking notes on what they ordered. After that, Robert also opened the conversation about the big news circulating on the internet about his best friend. "Chris, how do you handle that crappy news about Stefan? We all know that is not true, even Alex thinks that Jessica is just faking it up." Stefan just stared at his cell phone while scrolling through some of the news on the internet about him. 

"That has been resolved by the company, but you know for yourself how Stefan's attitude was towards Jessica in the past" then looked at Stefan who only looked down at his cell phone 

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