I only smile softly as i run my fingers through his soft silky hairs. I took a pic of the cute sight and sent it to Hira and it got her crazy, she was spamming my chats with emojis and stuff. I chuckle and turn off my phone to look down again and the big fluffy bear laying on my lap. I take the coat from his hand's strong grip and place it on top of him. His hands searching to hold something and they found my hand and he place it near his lips, a bit under his cheek.

I got to know that when he sleeps or when he works, he needs his emotional support to keep him comfortable in his sleep qnd concentrated in his work. 'Cute' i thought as i start to realize that....

'You're falling in love for the first time, Ayzel'
A voice in my head says making me gasp lightly as i look down at him caressing my hand while scratching his beard with his left hand. I turn my phone on again and open Instagram to scroll throught some reels. After 30 mins, Zaviyar stir in his sleep and turn to his left side, making me grin softly at the pout on his lips. The next thing he did made my almost drop my phone.

He wrap his both arms around my waist and snuggle into my stomach making my stop all my action, even my breathe. He snuggles even more making me bit my tongue preventing from squealing. I calm myself down and sink down on my seat making him pull my waist close to him as he also got comfortable. I continue to run my fingers throught his hairs. After twenty (almost typed two-teen-   - _-) minutes, the big pup on my lap groan and sat up with his hairs flying in all direction.

"Woaawww", he drag his 'woaw' as he yawns ans stretches his long limbs, "you're the best pillow my short thingy" he chuckle as i scoff. He lean back but this time his upper body was on my lap while his left arm around my shoulder as if i carried him bridal style.

"Get up my legs are numb, you big bear" he smile goofily and gets up only to get his forehead slammed up on the roof. He groans as i get worried and stand up as well.

"Sit down" i command and he did as i say. I check his forehead and a spot was red from the empact. I blow on his forehead as i fail to notice his intense gaze on me.

I spot my cold drink which was still cold and place it on his forehead. My eyes flicker down at his eyes and see them already staring at me lovingly. My eyes switching from left to right and my mind clicks and i back off, back to my seat. He also shifts in his seat uncomfortable from the thick tension between us. "I'll go to the restroom" with that he left and i sink in my seat, kicking my legs and huffing at the fuzzy feeling i just felt.

"Ma'am? Your coffee" the attendant smiles as i return it, gladly. Godddd. Coffeeee. I squeal lightly as a throat clearing. I throw a painfully awkward smile towards him which he returns with his side smug. "You ordered a meal yet?", i nod my head as he hums whil leaning back on his seat.

"Can i say something?" I hum in response, making him turn his upper body towards me.

"Your lap in oddly comfortable?" I blink then he blinks. I blink again then he blinks. I blink for the nth time because of his odd statement.

'Was it a question or a compliment?'

"Thanks?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why? Wanna sleep on my lap again?" I jokingly blurt out which he got as a serious offer.

"Really?! Can i?" He says in his hush voice as we don't want the attendant to hear our conversation.

"No" i reply deadpan whichgot him huffing.

"Me legs are numb so it's a no" he nod his head but after merely 2  seconds, his frown turns into a Cheshire cat grin.

'God his Astagfirullah mind cooking something again'

"You know these arms can carry you at ease, babygirl" he bring his face so close to me that his sharp nose slightly touch my cheekbone and his hot breath tickling my neck. I gulp as his slender finger made their way up to my jawline.

"I-" i want to kiss the attendant as she came at the right time. 'YESS!! SAVEDD!!'

Zaviyar throws me his dirtiest side-eye as i did my little dance, teasing him of course.

"Thank you SO MUCH-" i gasp as the attendant glance at me, worried.

"Did i told you that you look so beautiful?" She blush at my compliment as i hear a scoff by my side.

"T-thank you Ma'am. You're looking pretty too" i gave her my sweetest smile as she blushs while tugging a stray hair behind her ear.

"DiD i ToLd yOu ThAt yOu lOoK sO BeAuTiFul? OoOoOoOo myYyYy gOdDdDd" i burst into laughs as he glare at me after mimicking my sentence.

"It's not funny" he glares at me as i only shake my head.

"IT's nOt fUnNy" i imitate him back as he gave me his offended look.

"How dare you-" i cut him off by shoving a chicken tender in his mouth.

"Shut up honey" i smile sweetly with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

The rest of the flight went smooooth. Yeah– smooth. Yawar facetimed me and we talked non–stop for 30 mins straight and then our plane was about to land so we had to end the call.

I sigh and place the laptop in it's case as i lean back. The flight attendant comes up to us to buckle up our seatbelts as the plane was about to land. I buckle mine securely and intertwin my fingers into Zaviyar which he didn't mind and just let me.

"Not gonna do your shahada" he says, mimicking my fearful face back then at last flight.

"No, I'm not scared"

"Yeah yeah and that's why my wife is clinging onto my arm, huh?"

"Shut up"


"That's what i thought"

I almost forgot Yawar as a character in this book. LOL. BTW leave a comment about your opinions and do vote too. Luv you guys. Bye.

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