Chapter 16

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Author POV:

"You're mine" He yelled at her as he slammed her body against the wall, holding her shoulders firmly as he glared at her with his bottomless dark eyes.

"No,never. I would prefer my death rather than to be yours" She whispered as she glared back at him with hatred as Tears start to build in her eyes.

Both stayed in the position until Zaviyar suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist  and placed the other above her head, pulling her petite body against his big muscular body as ayzel flinched very badly bacause of the physucal contact. She could feel his warm breath on her face as she continuously stared at his chest not creating eye contact with him.

Ayzel POV:

'Haram haram haram haram'

I thought as i closed my eyes, letting my tears fall and waiting for his next action. About 5 seconds later his hand reached to my face grabbing my chin softly and tilting my head upwards and as i looked at his eyes and they were suprisingly softened up than before.

"But Darling you got no option now, you're mine and no one can change that unless he or she want to see their death the next seconds i promise if someone came between us, I'm gonna blow their head of their necks infront of you so you can see how far i can go for you to love me" he whispered as a sob escaped my mouth.

"Hey don't cry, i can't bear that..shh" he said softly not to scare me as my tears streamed down my face non-stop as his ocean eyes started to panic.

"Hey hey babe don' don't cry my Angel" he added as i started sobbing loudly that echoed in the large empty room.

Zaviyar's POV: 

I started to panic as my heart started to beat faster and i felt a clenching pain in my heart as i heard her heart-breaking sobs which could bring anyone to tears but not me becausei haven't cried in 4 years and sometimes i wonder if i could ever cry again.

My eyes started to shake a little from panic because i never have ever comforted a person as I'm known as the Cold hearted Heir of the Khan's family which i really am.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her small petite body as she leaned on my chest as i felt an electric shock down my spine.

After few seconds, she also wrapped her small arms around my waist as we stayed like that and her sobs stopped after few minutes, my heart felt this confusing clench everytime she lets out a sob. Thank goodness she stopped crying and was hicupping quietly now which i founf extremely cute.

"You good now darling?" I asked her as softly as possible not to startle her as we were standing there with her leaning against my chest in silent from the past 10 minutes.

"Yeah" she said quietly as the room's door bursted open and we turned around to see my annoying sister.

'Always ruining the moment'

Ayzel POV:

i was listening to his calm heartbeat after i cried all my heart out as i was feeling better now. Thats when Huda bragged in and smirked at us but her smirk fell as soon as she saw me and she ran towards me.

"What happened Api? Why are you crying?" She asked as she frowned as she looked at my face.

"I'm fine" i said as i wiped my tears away immediately as i looked at Zaviyar.

"Oh my god My baby what happened" Hira also bragged in as Arslan came in along with her.

She hugged my tightly as i burried my face in her chest. It took less than 5 secs for my to burst into tears again as Hira glared at Zaviyar with her Dangerous Siren eyes which can scare a Ghost away.

•| His Intoxication |•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant