Chapter 1 - Unlucky Thief

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(Quick rundown your name is Alice your 16 this is set currently in early 1990s)

Shivering from the wind coming through the crack underneath the door you sat on your bed after having been awoken by your father at the crack of dawn to get ready to sell some newspaper.

It took you a moment to recollect yourself but the coldness was getting to much as you quickly stood up to get changed into something warm and then soon after getting ready to leave, having wrapped your wooly scarf your mother knitted for you a month back and let me tell you it really keeps you warm, she even gave you knitted gloved since your hands would be only skin left exposed to the cold as-well as your face she really had a talent with knitting.

You walk out of your room to be greeted by your parents. Your father reading his daily football match readings on the newspaper as for your mother she would be sitting opposite sipping her cup of tea "Alice dear your father will be looking out for jobs today so theres a good chance he will be getting one today!"

You stood there with your large shoulder bag filled with newspaper, letting out a slight sigh causing smoke to blow out of your mouth like a man blowing out his cigarette it was really that cold at this time of the winter. "Oh yeah thats great father i hope you do get a job then it would really help!"

He would crack a smirk looking towards you, you knew dam well that lousy man of a father will be at the pub with his friends instead drinking beer all day long with YOUR money and come back at night saying he had a so called tough day trying to look for jobs and decided to go to the pub to cheer himself up. My mother can be so gullible in listening and is always understanding him but she cant do anything since she doesn't have an education. You walked towards the door putting your brown large cap on. (you dressed up like dark academia style with a long coat, best and so on so on)  you left the house saying your farewells to your parents.

You got on your bike and cycled down the streets. Well you have to sell these newspaper which you decided to do but you had another plan. You overheard old men talking from outside the pub about this house that had been recently put up for sale and the man that owned it was a very crazy introverted individual that was up to no good as they say in that house. It really made you curious and thought that he could probably have goods u dont want to waste any chance with these stuff because times are getting tough money wise. The house just got put up for sale a day ago and you did recall walking past the house a few times so you remember it's specific whereabouts. Only when you would walk by you saw no lights being on and it looked empty but you want to keep your hopes up and not think like that incase someone else gets to it and probably finds a pot of gold or whatever.

When it hit 12 o clock you immediately got onto your bike after selling a somewhat good amount of newspapers and headed towards the house, people would be at their jobs and kids at school during this timr, so nobody should really be at the house or near it especially since its snowy and too cold to be outside hanging about you could only last a while outside yourself god bless your mothers knitting ability.

As you approached the abandoned mysterious looking house you can see the for sale sign at the front lawn, parking your bike behind the trees opposite of the house and away from by-passers sights you then ran towards the house passing through the front gate and towards the door.

You peaked through the letter box in the door and saw nobody, you listened closely and heard nobody, you then took that opportunity to slightly creak open the door, slip through and close it, turning to face the house it was dark and had webs and it was dusty it looked like it was already abandoned long ago which made you think about that man that use to live here, you rummaged your hand through your shoulder bag quickly to take out a mini lantern, turning it on using a match you began your journey carefully walking through the house, being careful not to make so much noise with the wood planks creaking when it feels only an inch of pressure on it.

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